Bookworm Adventures 2 Secrets

воскресенье 03 маяadmin
Bookworm Adventures 2 Secrets Rating: 7,0/10 3650 reviews

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a.

Retro Game Cheats for Bookworm Adventures 2 (PC Games)
during game
Type 'CELEBRATE' at the main menu
during game
Type 'LOVELY' at the main menu
during game
Type 'MOUSTACHE' at the main menu
during game
Click an enemy's attack in the Tome
during game
Type 'GOBBLE' at the main menu
during game
Type 'SEATTLE' at the main menu
during game
Type 'WINTER' at the main menu
Effect: Lex wears a road cone on his head in-game.
during game
Type 'CONE' at the main menu
during game
Type 'PANCAKES' at the main menu
during game
Type 'PIRATE' at the main menu

Yes- I am addicted to this game- it has reached embarrassing levels. I have a cramp in my index finger from spelling so wildly -defeating monsters, mythological creatures and the undead. My kids LOVE playing along with me- and the game is one we all enjoy. You do need to be able to spell/read to play, thou. My son helps me play by pressing the “attack” key and watching monsters be destroyed by really good words spelled from the tile board.My girlfriend said she thought of me while watching a recent “Simpsons” episode- where Marge gets hooked a a PC video game.When I got REALLY stuck I used one of the tips below.

One of the kids in my homeschool groups also likes to play and he has struggled a bit and used as well- so I thought I would post and share these hints and tips for playing PopCap Games Bookworm Adventures.Has any one else enjoyed playing this game? Share your“Bookworm Adventures” story with us! Walkthrough for PopCap Games Bookworm AdventuresBOOKWORM ADVENTURESGame Created by: PopCap Games ( ).

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THIS FAQ CONTAINS STORYLINE SPOILERS! THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING!.SECTION 0. TABLE OF CONTENTSNote: To instantly jump to any section of the FAQ, highlight the term you seeinside the parentheses ( ) to the right, copy it (Ctrl+C), do a page find(Ctrl+F), paste the term (Ctrl+V) in the box, and click to search for it.1. Copyright Site Listing (sec1copy)2. Introduction (sec2intro)3. Game Information (sec3game)– a. About The Game (sec3about)– b.

Gameplay (sec3play)– c. Tile Types (sec3tile)– d. Potions & Treasures (sec3potion)– e. Status Ailments & Enemy Lore (sec3status)– f. Lex’s Levels (sec3levels)4.

Adventure (sec4advent)– a. Book 1: Oedipus Lex (sec4book1)– b. Book 2: Arabian Knight (sec4book2)– c. Book 3: Lexonomicon (sec4book3)5. Mini-Games (sec5mini)– a.

Word Master (sec5game1)– b. Letter Rip (sec5game2)– c. Link n’ Spell (sec5game3)6. Arena (sec6arena)– a. Fight Order (sec6fights)– b. Boss Monsters (sec6bosses)7. Treasure List (sec7treas)– a.

Book 1: Oedipus Lex (sec7book1)– b. Book 2: Arabian Knight (sec7book2)– c. Book 3: Lexonomicon (sec7book3)8. Tips, Secrets, & Easter Eggs.feel free to submit things!. (sec8tips)– a. General Tips (sec8gen)– b.

Arena Tips (sec8arena)– c. Shortcuts (sec8short)– d. Secrets (sec8sec)– e. Easter Eggs (sec8eggs)9. Update List (sec9update)10. Contact Info (sec10contact)11. Thanks & Credits (sec11thanks)Copied straight from the Help area for the sake of ease:This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,private use.

It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributedpublicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any otherweb site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and aviolation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in thisdocument are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.In addition, this FAQ currently can.

ONLY BE SEEN. on these sites:www.gamefaqs.comwww.neoseeker.comwww.dlh.netIf you see it on any other site, including ones that people generally despise(such as, then please notify me, and/or request to the site ownersthat the FAQ be removed.If you would like to host this FAQ publically, then I please request that youASK ME PERMISSION first. If I allow you to host it, I ask that you DO NOT EDITIT AT ALL and make sure that all due credit IS GIVEN TO ME. If I agree to letyou host it, I will place your site in this section, and keep you up to date bysending any updates I make to the FAQ.See the Contact Info section near the end of the FAQ if you’d like to get intouch with me.SECTION 2. INTRODUCTION (sec2intro)Hey there. I go by the alias of SmokeRulz, and I’ve been on GameFAQs for avery long time now, just never got around to writing any FAQs.

But afterplaying this dandy little gem of a game, and noticing that it’s lacking anysort of FAQ on its page, I decided it’s time to add something to the plate.I haven’t been playing this game much after beating it, but it’s still possibleto find all sorts of little tidbits the designers have put into the game. Iwould constantly learn new things, and if you play the game and find out somelittle secrets and easter eggs, feel free to contact me and submit them foraddition to this FAQ!Everything that is submitted to me from people WILL be added to the Creditssection. Everything in this FAQ is written by me, or submitted to me frompeople in the Credits section. I’ll be sure to mark my progress in the UpdatesList section toward the end of the FAQ as well. More information will be addedto the guide as I find it while I play through the game, and as it’s submittedto me.Alright, now that all that is out of the way, let’s get to the game!SECTION 3.

GAME INFORMATION (sec3game)This section will briefly (lol) describe all you need to know about this greatgame from the start. Most of this stuff you will learn gradually throughoutBook 1, as sort of an on-going tutorial mode. But since this is a FAQ, it’sbest not to be too vague about how it all works, ay?A. ABOUT THE GAME (sec3about)Bookworm Adventures is a quaint little PC game that mixes its fun word-basedpuzzle game with a minor role-playing game level-up mechanic and monsterbattles! You’ll take the bookworm himself Lex across the lands of a coupledifferent books, all to rescue a kidnapped oracle.

It’ll test your brain, yourspelling skills, and occasionally your speed and survival skills – at leastwhen it comes to surviving against fairy tale monsters.;)The game was the WINNER of the Interactive Achievement Award for 'DownloadableGame of the Year' for 2006!:D You can check out the Academy’s website and seeall the other awards at:This game is obtainable from the PopCap games website at the following URL:not available in any free format that I have seen. The downloadable trialfor the Deluxe version is playable for a little while. Purchasing the gamecosts $29.95 and is done via the website.These are the System Requirements for the game: (also found via the link)OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 98/ME/2000/XPMEMORY: 128 MB RAMPROCESSOR: 700MHz or fasterDIRECTX VERSION: 7.0 or higherB. GAMEPLAY (sec3play)Bookworm Adventures is based off of PopCap’s previous game, called Bookworm.It’s a Puzzle game with a massive grid of letters. You click the letters tospell out words, and submit them, gaining points to add to Score & Level Up tohigher levels, and gaining some Gem Tiles for more points.

Bookworm Adventures 2 Secrets

More letters thenfall into the grid to fill the empty spots. Bookworm also featured Fire Tilesthat could end the game if they weren’t removed.Bookworm Adventures, however, takes the game to a new level.

It takes the samebasic Puzzle game (minus the Fire Tiles) and incorporates it into an Adventuregame, with the same Level Up system, only this time the Leveling Up is done toyour character: Lex, the green worm. In this way, it’s sort of like an RPG.Making words has a much different effect in this game.

There’s a 4-by-4 grid ofletter tiles for you to use to make words, and they will fill up as you usethem. If you ever have trouble creating words, you’ll eventually have use ofthe 'Scramble' button, which refreshes your tile grid at the cost of endingyour turn. Instead of giving you a Score or whatnot, words hurt the enemies youencounter, removing Hearts from their Life Meter. How much damage you do isdependant on several factors:1. Word Length (minimum 3 letters allowed)2. Letter Value (bronze, silver, or gold dots in the tile corners)3. Lex’s Attack Power (read on for more info)4.

Gem Tiles Items Used (again, read on for more info)5. Enemy’s Defense; Resistances (see individual monsters)When you successfully defeat a monster, you are instantly cured of all missinghealth and of any ailments that are affecting you. You’ll also gain Experiencethat fills your Level Up bar.

When your Level Up bar fills all the way, Lexwill level up and receive an increase to one of his three attributes:1. Health – Lex’s Heart meter. Each level up increases it by one Heart.2. Attack – Lex’s damage power. Also increases a little with every fight.3.

Defense – Lex’s damage resistance. Appears to only increase by level-up.There are many items and treasures available for Lex to use to help win, butit’s a given that you won’t always do so. If Lex is ever defeated in battle,you’ll be forced to start that level all over again. Not all is lost!You will keep any potions you might have had remaining, you will not lose anyExperience Points you gained for your Level Up meter, and you will immediatelyhave the chance to play in any of Moxie’s Mini-Game huts you’ve found on themap to earn some Potions and Gem Tiles.Each map/world in the game (called Books) features 10 levels (called Chapters),as well as three of Moxie’s Mini-Game huts that appear after 2 or 3 levels arecleared. Each level features up to 7 monsters, the last of which being a BossBattle (note that there are a few exceptions, such as the Hydra fight). EachBoss is guarding a special Treasure that Lex will take with him on his journey.Conquer all the Books and defeat all the enemies to win the game! There are afew unlockables you’ll get throughout your journey:1.

TOME OF KNOWLEDGE – Complete Book 1 in Adventure.2. MINI-GAMES – Complete Book 2 in Adventure.3. ARENA – Complete Book 3 in Adventure.4. CLIPS AND GIGGLES – Complete Arena Mode.C.

TILE TYPES (sec3tile)Your tile grid is the main meat of this game, and the entire point to defeatingthe monsters you face. The best thing you could have is a lot of Gem Tiles, asthey give helpful Damage Boosts to your words, as well as having secondaryeffects. However, monsters can also mess with your tiles, and all of theireffects are detrimental.NORMAL TILES¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Normal Tiles are just that: Normal.

All brown tiles with black letters on them,and little dots in their corners to indicate their values. Think of the normalBookworm or Scrabble, only their values were numbered. A letter’s value isdependant on how hard it is to use that letter in a word; the harder it is, themore valuable the letter.1. GOLD – The highest scoring letters.2. Game of thrones ascent titles. SILVER – The middle scoring letters.3.

BRONZE – The lowest scoring letters.Here is a reference for which letter falls into which category:1. GOLD – J, K, Qu, X, Z2. SILVER – B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y3. BRONZE – A, D, E, G, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, UGEM TILES¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Gem Tiles are one of the the must-have things in this game. You won’t see themat the very beginning of the game, but they eventually will become availablefor use and abuse. They are received automatically by spelling very good words(usually 6-letter and above, maybe 5-letter depending on letter value), butthey can also be won in Moxie’s Mini-Games, or by overkilling enemies (the moredamage you do past what they have left in health, the better gem you get).

Notethese are listed by rarity.1. AMETHYST – Purple.

15% damage boost & inflicts 2-turn Poison.2. EMERALD – Green. 20% damage boost & heals Lex 2 hearts.3. GARNET – Orange.

30% damage boost & inflicts 2-turn Power Down.4. 35% damage boost & inflicts 3-turn Burn.5. SAPPHIRE – Blue. 25% damage boost & inflicts 1-turn Freeze.6.

DIAMOND – White. 100% damage boost, fully heals Lex, & gives 1 of eachtype of potion.7. CRYSTAL – Pink. 50% damage boost, purifies Lex & the grid, & makes Lexinvincible for 1 turn.DAMAGED TILES¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Damaged Tiles are what certain enemy attacks can inflict on you. They are allvery detrimental and can especially hurt if you lack any Blue Potions, or areinflicted with Power Down. Some enemies you encounter will have nothing BUTtile-hurting attacks!

All Damaged Tiles will revert back to normalafter a certain amount of turns, which usually varies by enemy.1. SMASHED – Smashed Tiles can be used, but will do no damage.2. LOCKED – Locked Tiles cannot be used until the turn count runs out.3. PLAGUED – Plagued Tiles do no damage if used, and can infect other tiles.D. POTIONS & TREASURES (sec3potion)Luckily for you, you don’t just have to rely completely on spelled words, gemtiles, and Lex’s stats. You’ll also get a variety of useful items throughoutthe game that will prove absolutely essential to your victory over the forcesof evil.POTIONS¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Potions are something that can be in short supply, so it’s very important youdon’t over-use them.

There are three types of Potions, and they can all be wonin Moxie’s Mini-Games, or sometimes found & automatically picked up afterdefeating monsters. The Diamond Gem tile also will confer to you 1 of everypotion when used. Using a Potion does not end your turn, and can be used duringStunned or Petrified states.1.

HEALTH POTION – Red Potion. Heals Lex for a two Hearts of health.2. POWER UP POTION – Green Potion.

Gives Lex a Power Up for 1 turn.3. PURIFY POTION – Blue Potion.

Heals bad effects on Lex and the Grid.TREASURES¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Treasures are supremely useful items that you will find after each Boss fightwithin the various levels of the game. They are not 'used' like Potions are;they are either always in effect, or automatically trigger when certain thingsare done. They can do a variety of things to help Lex out, such as:1. ATTRIBUTES – Boost Lex’s Health, Attack, or Defense.2. PROTECTION – Protect Lex from negative effects such as Stun.3. BONUS DAMAGE – Add more damage with certain words, letters, or ailments.4.

GEM BONUSES – Play around with gems, such as giving you more.5. ITEM BONUSES – Messes with Potions, like boosting them or giving more.6. UPGRADE – Upgrade existing treasures into something better.You can only bring three treasures with you into any given Level. Lex willgenerally give you a good idea of what to bring along (or you could just checkout the walkthrough), but ultimately, it’s all up to you! I will cover eachand every treasure you receive in the Treasures section of the FAQ.E. STATUS AILMENTS & ENEMY LORE (sec3status)Ah, biological warfare, ay? Yes, there are many different things enemies cando to you on top of just normal damage.

You can do a few of them to enemies aswell using Gem Tiles, but in the end, the enemies have way more on the table tothrow at you. Always be wary of these things, and try to make sure you havecountermeasures! Blue Potions can heal you of ailments, and some Treasures giveyou the ability to attempt to resist the ailments from affecting you at all.Green Potions can also negate the Power Down status. I will list the ailmentsin the order you encounter them in the game:1. BURN – Does a small amount of damage each turn it lasts.2. STUN – Forces you to lose one turn.3. POISON – Does a small amount of damage each turn it lasts.4.

FREEZE – Forces you to lose one turn.5. BLEED – Does a small amount of damage each turn it lasts.6. PETRIFY – Forces you to lose two turns.7. POWER DOWN – Lowers Attack Power for as long as it lasts; aka: Curse.Enemies usually damage Lex with attacks that inflict status ailments, thoughthe damage is usually minimal compared to what the ailments can do over time,unless the ailments are paired up with a Normal Attack. Some ailments can becombined, or paired up with Tile Attacks! That being said, there are some otherways besides ailments that the enemies can mess with Lex, or the Tile Grid, oreven boost themselves! Again, these are listed in the order you encounter themin the game:1.

NORMAL ATTACK – Just a normal attack. Damage varies.2. TILE SMASH – Smashes one or more tiles for a set number of turns.3. REGENERATE – Enemies heal themselves for various amounts of health.4. POWER UP – Enemies power up to do more damage on their next attack.5. TILE LOCK – Locks one or more tiles for a set number of turns.6.

IMMUNITY – Immune to 3-letter words or some status ailments.7. LIFE LEECH – Damages Lex AND heals the enemy for various amounts.8. PLAGUE TILE – Plagues one or more tiles on the Tile Grid.9. GEM STEAL – Steals one of your Gem Tiles and turns it normal.10. ARMORED – Varied damage resistance, and possibly immunities.11. ALTER TILE – Alters tiles around, changing what letters are on them.Lots of stuff, right? And remember, it can all be combined!

For example,Regenerate is often paired up with Power Up in several enemies, which can be asick cocktail if you’re not prepared. But even with all this stuff, is theremore you can do besides unleash poisons and burns? There’s one thingsome enemies will possess at various stages in the game:1. BONUS CATEGORY – Spell words of a certain category for more damage.Examples from early on in the game are spelling 'metal' words, or 'bone' wordsto do extra damage to enemies. Pay close attention to Enemy Lore at the bottomright of the screen to see if they have a weakness, and to see what all theirattacks will do to you! Always be prepared!F. LEX’S LEVELS (sec3levels)Here is Lex’s Level Up table in the game.

I beat the game at Level 29, and youcan’t go through Adventure Mode again after you’ve beaten it, so anythingLevel 30+ has been submitted to me. 2-8-4: Flying Armor 2-8-5: Maladin (Boss)Health – 26 Health – 30Atk Flying Gouge Atk Flurry of FistsBld Flying Crush PoD Flying SkullStn Flying Pummel Bld Barrel of ArrowsBrn Dragon in a BasketStn/Smh Bottled LightningMurray begs for mercy afterward, and lets Lex take any flying merchandise hewants. Lex takes the lamp, despite Murray saying he shouldn’t take it.

Hi guys, a couple of things I noticed: it doesn’t like any words that start with a capital.The damage formula seems to be:copper tiles: one point, silver tiles 2, gold 3 then an extra point for each letter over 4 in the word so the fifth letter is worth 1 extra the sixth is worth 2 extra, the seventh is worth 3 extra the eighth is worth 4 extra. Then that lot is multiplied by your damage% plus any% from tiles – it is addative not multiplicative (i.e. If you have a 15% tile and a 20% tile and you have a 195% bonus for your level (about Level 15) then the total bonus is 230%).This formula seems to work fairly well though I think it may break down at longer words, the bonus probably ramps up more quickly for very long words, there seems to be something odd go on for very low scores (e.g. When you have broken tiles and get only 1 valid letter you still seem to do quite a bit of damage so I think there is a minimum score for any word however bad and that gets multiplied up by your power).Bonus Word seems to roughly double the damage (except against the sphinx when the riddle word is an insta kill).