Diabolik Lovers Subaru

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Diabolik Lovers Subaru Rating: 6,8/10 7915 reviews

Intro/background info:Subaru has always been my No. 2 in both Haunted Dark Bridal and More,Blood because his route is the most “Otome” out of everyone else’s. The fact that they made him more Tsun in More,Blood made it even more exciting for me to try out his route as early as possible ^^ However, after playing his route, I’m not really sure if he actually was more Tsun but what I did feel was that he’s seriously more violent than before and his destructive tendencies were much much higher D:Subaru is the sixth and youngest son of the Sakamaki household and also a 暴愛系ド S (which means he’s the violent-love Sadistic type). Basically he’s like that because of his mom Christa (that’s where he got his hair color and ‘beautiful’ appearance from). Christa is really pretty but too bad she’s totally bipolar and I MEAN IT. She can be nice and gentle towards Subaru this minute and the next thing you know, she starts going crazy while shouting hurtful comments at Subaru just because she feels that her pure lineage was tainted by Karl Heinz when he supposedly stole her away from the man she loved and ‘raped’ her.

Subaru being his son, obviously bore the brunt of this but because he’s such a kind-hearted person innately, he couldn’t bear to leave his mom alone and chose to put up with her frequent outbursts and violent actions. But seriously, I SWEAR she’s bipolar. There was this flashback where Christa actually picks a fight with Cordelia (mother of the triplets) by saying that Karl loves her more and that he’s just using Cordelia because of her blood then Subaru had to break them apart during the fight because it turned physical tsktsk.

Christa often expresses her hatred for Karl but when he actually appears, she would do a 360 degrees turn and stick to him all the time.facepalm. Sometimes when Subaru loses his temper and tells Karl to GO TO HELL, Christa would slap him and make him apologize to his dad for being rude.

Synopsis At the behest of her father, Yui Komori goes to live in a secluded mansion, home to the six Sakamaki brothers—Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru—a family of vampires. Though at first the siblings are confused as to why the girl has arrived, they soon realize that she is to be their new 'sacrificial bride,' not to mention their other, more carnal intentions for her. After meeting the brothers, Yui quickly begins to question why her father would have sent her here and why she feels a strange, new pain in her chest. With each brother more sadistic than the last, Yui's life as a captive takes a harrowing turn in her new home.

Christa (クリスタ Kurisuta) is the third wife/cousin of Karlheinz and the mother of Subaru. Christa's backstory has been retconned in MORE BLOOD from Haunted Dark Bridal. In Haunted Dark Bridal, Christa only appears in Subaru's dreams and flashbacks of the time when he was with her. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE - Subaru's Route.

As her days turn into endless nights, and each brother vows to make her his own, Yui falls deeper and deeper into madness and ecstasy.Written by MAL Rewrite. Overall2Story1Animation8Sound3Character3Enjoyment5I just marathoned this abomination (which wasn't too difficult considering each episode is under 14 min) and first of all, men: if you hate women and like to see them abused you will love this show, ladies: if you are masochists you will also love this show. If these descriptions do not fit you, you will just be vomiting your brain cells out the entire time.From reading the summary, you would (obviously) think this story would evolve to the brilliant anime equivalent of the Mona Lisa or the Sistine Chapel but no. Let's go through this using the provided elements.Alright, I KNOW the art ispretty. It was why I clicked on the cursed show. A bunch of pretty boys with awesome gradient hair.

This is how the creators (satan) draw you in. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. You will be coasting on the art for 3 or so hours telling yourself the plot will get better.

Spoiler alert: it doesn't. The plot is a giant lie.

You keep waiting for it to pop up and when it does in the 3rd or 2nd to last episode you wonder why they even bothered to add one in because it is god awful. I laughed bitterly at my naivety. What you will be getting is 3 hours of continuous blood draining, she is bitten by like 3 of the brothers per episode and miraculously, she does not develop anemia or pass out regularly from blood loss even though the boys go HARD in the blood. Also she never has any marks on her neck when the next guy has a go unless it is valuable for them to notice (eg. 'oh I see so-and-so has already been here, what a guy.'

There was even a scene where one vampire bit her then when he went to bite her again the previous marks were already gone. What else can I say about the story, nothing else happens.Sound: Alright, prepare for a buttload of awkward sucking sounds.

Even when they are licking her neck there is slurping sounds, as if they can't contain their vampiric saliva and have to constantly be sucking it back, it is horrifying. I can't comment on the music because it was not memorable. As for the voices, very nice selection, good choice of voice actors if anything (I am being genuine), sometimes it masks the horrible words coming from their mouths (only not really). As for the dialogue. Just a repeat of moans and comments on the flavour of her blood, etc.Characters: Our main girl is a mediocre dunce who is having a really difficult time realizing these dudes are just scumbags.

Every time she approaches a guy she is shocked that he soon after sucks her blood. She has no spine so she usually lets him have his way with her after which she runs off scared only to come back and repeat the process. One vampire, the only tolerable one, even gives her the opportunity to leave but she stays to try and figure out the plot (haha fool). As for the guys: scumbags with varying levels of sociopathic and sadistic tendencies. One character lays around all episode sounding tired while another with bipolar schizophrenia (and most inclined to be a serial killer of the bunch) stabs the crap out of his potatoes while laughing maniacally. Each of the 5 brothers are drawn to her but there is only one romantic connection really (and it's with the most rape-y of the vampires, of course) and it is also quite pathetic and shallow (this can be considered our character development). There is not any meaningful interaction between the boys and our heroine other than blood letting and beating around the bush pretending there is a plot (yet she still cares about them).

One guy even comes up with a misogynistic nickname for the main character on the spot that is so offensive and out of nowhere I almost spit out my beverage. It doesn't help that he uses it like 7,000,000,000 (+/-) times over the course of the anime.

None of the characters are especially likeable, they are all quite horrible and I wanted them all to die.Enjoyment: You will laugh, you will cry, you may stab yourself through the chest with a silver knife. Regardless, you WILL wonder how you managed to watch all 12 episodes in one sitting (I hate myself).

My final spoken word as the last episode came to an end was a incredulous 'what' because I literally had no idea what happened in the end.Disregarding all math that would give the correctly balanced final rating, I throw all numbers out the window and give it a 2. It could have borderlined on a 3 thanks to the art but 'dreadful' suits this anime much better than 'poor'.

Only use this anime as a tool of revenge. Overall2Story3Animation3Sound5Character1Enjoyment1This series.or rather this abomination is what I would call a trainwreck that never had itself on rail. Visual novels aren’t easy to adapt. In fact, recent years has shown that many anime series never lives up to its original material that result in disappointed fans. However, there are also some VN adaptations that are so horrid, so atrocious, so dreadful, so disastrous, so unappealing that it can be in a category of its own.

Diabolik Lovers belongs to the category for failure with all its rights. This show is something of a tragedy - an anime adaptation that is almost an insult to thebrain to watch.Diabolik Lovers is an anime series adapted from the visual novel of the same name. Zexcs handles its production and from one of their more recent notorious series known as Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil), it’s their chance to step up to the plate again. But only this time, we deal not with a gym clothes but instead with vampires.The series begins with a young girl named Yui Komori who we know almost nothing about. Well, on the surface, we know that she seems to be a normal girl with a sweet personality. However, I would describe Yui as an empty doll.

Choose the Right Synonym for loyalty, mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty. Loyal definition Implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty.marital fidelity suggests an adherence like that of citizens to their country.pledging allegiance implies a fidelity acknowledged by the individual and as compelling as a sworn vow.fealty to the truth implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray.valued the loyalty of his friends stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication.a painter's devotion to her art stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental.filial piety.

Well it’s because she is constantly being played by the guys of this show. She takes the role of a toy and the boys just loves to have their play time.

Of course, the guys that plays with her aren’t exactly normal. No in fact, they are vampires.

They view Yui as a meal nearly every time their eyes are set on her. She is their happy meal and they’re loving it.Yui also gets treated by the vampire boys as almost a dog on a leash.

In essence, she becomes exactly what a frail girl is - helpless, pathetic, and unresisting. On various occasions, she tries to get out of her situation typically involving rape-like scenarios but finds it ever so difficult to do so. It’s a story gone wrong with Yui being the heroine.

No matter how girlish she is, there’s no limit on her stupidity and how she deals with her new lifestyle. Whether it’s at home or at school, she submits to her tormentors without ever trying to escape.

To make matters worse, she even compliments on the guys in hopes of getting a break. The result though? Vampire rape, hickeys, and blood scars.As an anime series aimed at a female audience, I suppose the guys have some appealing features. Most of them are designed to look aristocrats and behaves as such. In their minds, they are the masters of the mansion and Yui is their dog. Sonic adventure 2 battle free download.

The only difference is that instead of the guys feeding them, it’s the other way around. Most of them have contrasting personalities ranging from Shu’s laziness, Reiji’s demanding attitude, Ayato’s aggressiveness, Kanato’s unstable mind, and Raito’s sadism. Regardless their differences though, they all want one thing: Yui’s blood.The construction of the story is absolutely ridiculous. There is almost no plot development or characterization; there is never in fact any character development since all of them sees Yui as food with their vampiric eyes.

Most of the early episodes focuses on the guys whom each gets his chance to spend some time with Yui. These usually end up with Yui losing blood and crying herself to tears. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the girl?

Perhaps but with what she’s doing, there’s a complete sense of hopelessness for her. Each of the guys also seems to have some sort of history as demonstrated by occasional flashback scenes played throughout the series. Unfortunately, it’s never really fully explored so it’s up to viewers to guess in their heads.

The story itself also assumed contain a form of romance but usually comes out in an atrocious way that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.Artwork wise, there’s nothing really special with the way the characters are designed besides their outfits. Their eyes reflects those of a vampires so some of them are noticeable. The mansion the characters live in has some artistic value with an English-like architectural design.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere of the series obliterates any sense of artistic value since it twists around the idea of sexual abuse.The soundtrack is mediocre at best with an eerie like background. The way the show handles itself hardly comes as any special in terms of OST because most of the time, you’ll be listening Yui fighting for her life and screaming her lungs out. The screams she lets out is a cry for help but no one ever comes.

I do give some credit to the ED song though as it creates a sense of darkness. Additionally, the show’s sadistic voice tones of Ayato and Raito gets the job done in that field.Diabolik Lovers is the perfect example of how to not adapt a shoujo anime series based off a game. The shows’ sadism and vampire rape tones is almost an insult to viewers itself. Yui is one of those characters that is unbearable to watch. At various times, I found myself siding with the vampires since they at least have a control of their characters’ degree.

Oh and the humor? It’s blend as dry paint.

It tries to add some humor to its dialogues but this comes out as awkward and senseless. Thank goodness each episode is less than the typical 24 minutes or I would of screamed my lungs out for it to be over. Ultimately, I did stick around the show to see how it developed or ended. Unfortunately, it proves once again just how much of an abomination it really is.

Overall1Story1Animation4Sound2Character1Enjoyment1I never intended to ever write any reviews, but i just couldn't stop myself from giving a heads-up to people who are intending to watch this shitty anime. This anime is basically a waste of everybody's time, it's so bad that ill probably get more enjoyment in watching Dora the explorer.Story-1/10: Story follows a highschool girl who unknowingly walks into a 'Rape Mansion,' that inhabits psycho fucks that takes extreme pleasure in assaulting the girl and making her feel like shit. I would rather watch Twilight for a better vampire story.First few eps just shows the girl getting played by each one of the brothers,great fucking character introduction. I couldn't even find a plot, as all it was is just fucking douchebag vampires assaulting the helpless girl for her blood, in and out of the mansion.Which group of viewers is this anime targeted for? I have no fucking idea.

This fucking reverse harem shit just makes guys like me to want to punch a fucking hole in my screen. I don't think girls would find joy in watching other girls getting assaulted, named-called, attacked by douchebags in every fucking minute of the anime either. I'm surprised feminists haven't shoved the creators of this anime in a deep pile of gender equality shit yet.Finally after about 3 quarters of this anime, you can finally see some plot (Not as it anybody in their right mind would care about the plot anyways). Maybe the creators finally realized the shit they were making, and decided to create some character development that makes you feel more sympathetic to the vampire pieces of shits.

I want these fuckers to die a slow and agonizing death the sooner, the better.Since i don't want to waste anymore time of my life on this piece of shit. Ill only explain one of the shitbrained brothers.

Lets just call him crap, since there is no reason for me to even remember their names. If you ever watch this show, you will remember the little shit with the dolls. Apparently crap has a whole fucking dungeon of these dolls, wtf does he do with them?

My best guess is that he probably practices his raping skills on these dolls, cause that is just how fucking sadistic he is.His fucking teddy bear, that fucking teddy just fucking puts five nights at freddys down the fucking drain. The little shit takes this fucking teddy everywhere to rape innocent women, or spirits of some sort(Couldn't give any shits to find out wtf he was actually doing) Imagine the resolve the fucking teddy has. To watch his fucking owner fuck everything up without even saying a word.

That is a true mastermind, the secret boss of bosses.The ending cannot even be explained, its not even a ending. The creators were probably just fucking tired with this shit, and to atone for the deaths of their co-workers during the creation of this anime. They made sure that the ending was extra shit.Art-4/10Art was ok for the first few minutes, before the fucking vampire douchebags came. Everything became unbearable after that.Sound-2/10The voice of the fucktards made me want to puke. +1 just out of sympathy of the female voice actor for having to work with this shit.Character-1/10Character?

Could care less about the character development from being too traumatized by how shit they were.Enjoyment-1/10Could give negative if i had the choice.Overall-1/10Need I elaborate?Plz, don't waste ur time on this crap. Overall9Story8Animation10Sound7Character9Enjoyment9In the beginning it seems to be a lot of fluff, though as you progress through the show the plot reveals itself. The only thing wrong is that the flashbacks need to be explained more, and there are many holes and unless you read it up on the wiki or have played the original game, you'll be left with questions. The plot itself was originally well written and pretty deep, though somehow when made into the actual anime it came out confusing and somewhat hard to follow, especially when the episodes are only 15 minutes long at most, and it is a full plot inneed of full episodes.

Some episodes felt rushed, though the ending was extremely satisfying and surprisingly touching considering in the beginning parts of the anime you'd think the anime is shallow, though it proves itself wrong.The art itself was beautiful. The characters are my favorite part. They are well rounded, and best of all, realistic.

Realism might be the main part that turns others away. The vampires act exactly what you would expect a vampire to act like, sadistic and hungry. Most people come here expecting a knight in shining armor twilight copy and are disappointed.

They're vampires, and act like so, not as a fairy tale. Though this is a turn off for people who are expecting fairy tale men. Unlike others I actually liked the female lead. Like others she is also realistic, not some perfect brave strong hero out to save the world.

Just an ordinary but still special girl. I don't see that many vampire series out there, so I definitely won't forget this one soon.