Generation Zero Movie

пятница 27 мартаadmin
Generation Zero Movie Rating: 8,9/10 775 reviews

Parents need to know that Generation Zero is an open-world cooperative action game for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs. Working alone or in groups of up to four, players take on the roles of young adults in 1980s-era Sweden who have received mandatory military training and are exploring a world overrun with fast and lethal machines. Guns and explosives are used to combat these robots, with successful attacks resulting in large explosions that send machine parts scattering. Combat's exceptionally frenetic and also very challenging, especially when playing alone and without the help of a group. Players who work together will find the experience less frustrating, especially if they cooperate and devise strategies, such as setting explosive traps and baiting machines.

Parents should also note that while the game's mostly free of strong language, the word 's-t' appears in text notes found by the player. GENERATION ZERO is set in 1980s Sweden near the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Players assume the role of a young adult returning from an isolated excursion to a remote island only to discover that a mysterious army of machines has murdered many citizens and compelled the rest to flee. Robots are still roaming the land, forcing you to defend yourself with whatever weapons - and weapon modifications, including muzzles, scopes, and ammunition magazines - you can scavenge from buildings and vehicles.

Generation Zero explores the cultural roots of the current global financial meltdown disaster.

You can also create makeshift traps, using items such as radios to lure robots toward explosive containers. Defeating enemies, completing tasks, and discovering new locations results in experience that leads to skill points, which can be invested in a variety of character attributes that will make your avatar a better fighter, healer, and tactician. As the game progresses, players will discover clues that suggest places where survivors might have gathered and that provide more information on the robots and what may have happened while you and your friends were away. The most interesting part of this open-world shooter is its setup.

Generation Zero's setting is integral to its premise. It takes place in a country with mandatory military training for young adults to defend against a potential Soviet invasion, which makes the notion of a group of late teens taking up arms to defend themselves believable. It's also set in a time prior to the internet and cell phones, which makes plausible the idea that a crisis could take place while the teens are away without them being aware of it. The scope and beauty of the lonely but extremely dangerous world furthers the sense of isolation and catastrophe. Moving through a lush but chilly forest as night falls and a thunderstorm rolls in from the sea, fearful that at any moment you could be spotted by a cadre of lightning-fast four-legged machines, creates heart-pounding tension.Sadly, though, this strong staging makes the game's faults all that much more disappointing. Nature may often appear beautiful, but humanmade elements are less so. Vehicles and buildings suffer from cookie-cutter design, with details such as posters, dishes, and furniture copied straight over from one location to another.

It effectively breaks the game's spell, and makes scavenging a lot less interesting. And while the fast-paced and viciously difficult combat rewards caution and strategy, there are also plenty of scenarios where the speed, number, awareness, and intelligence of enemies effectively eliminates any chance at survival, especially when playing alone. It makes the idea that this army of machines could so quickly and effectively take over believable, but it can also be extremely frustrating. Perhaps the biggest letdown, though, is that the story takes a backseat to the action, left mostly to notes and newspaper clippings. A premise this interesting deserves more thorough investigation than it's been given.

Generation Zero has potential, and could perhaps evolve through updates and patches, but the initial offering isn't what it could have been.

Wow, i've never seen such a ridiculous piece of right-wing propaganda in my life. With a straight face, they actually try to make the case that the 2008 financial crash was the fault of.get this. 1960s hippies. Yes, you heard me correctly, it was The LIBRULS!!11!!!!!1 The crash didn't happen because of deregulation, corruption and financial deepening - no, it was because Americans lost their 'morals' and began consuming conspicuously. That's right. The consumer's fault.

Oh, and the democrats, of course.and the Chinese for some reason. This is a sad attempt to say that this wasn't capitalism's fault - that it was a perversion of capitalism with too much government intervention.

I usually enjoy documentaries. I want to know what caused the financial crisis of 2008. Books like 'When Genius Failed,' 'The Big Short,' and 'Liar's Poker,' really shed light on Wall St's ugly side and the tricks they used to engineer the collapse of 2008. Unfortunately this garbage of a documentary largely fails at explaining anything but instead injects completely biased opinions ranging from Godlessness, to Saul Alinsky as reasons for our economic despair. This film covers the usual right wing Kool Aid topics like, Hippies, Godlessness, 50's mothers (women), Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN, too much regulation, you've heard all this garbage before on Youtube commentaries but this movie lumps it them in one long propaganda film.

The non stop music starts to grate on your nerves and is a shameless attempt to manipulate your emotions. Unfortunately morons will use this film as an echo chamber to their already warped sense of what is happening in this world. Disclaimer: I'm a former hedge fund guy. Did I see the crash coming? Yes, but barely. My fund, and a fund I represented, had mucho skin in game tied to domestic interest rates and LIBOR.

So, I wanted.willed.all to be fine. 1/6 of all hedge funds crashed, and didn't cost the tax payers a penny. Like a noncompetitive mom&pop restaurant, they were correctly left to fail. Core of crash was three-pronged: 1: Federal Reserve: They've created boom/busts for 100 years. Just as Soviets couldn't centrally plan the price of a pencil, wheat, or gold, no one on earth can correctly centrally plan the price of money. 2: Federal Government: Goes back to the Community Reinvestment Act, forcing banks to lend to people, regardless of credit rating.


Hey, I want ALL people to be rich. But, selectively punishing banks for not lending 'enough' to certain racial groups is evil, anti-market, and proved to be, destructive. Banks love to it, and care not of one's race, gender, or sexual orientation. They absolutely do care if one can pay back a loan. Think I cared the race of my clients investing $5 million, $1 million, or even in my entry level fund, $250K? 3: Wall Street(creation of CDOs etc), rating agencies (rated garbage as 'A'), and Fannie and Freddie (bought garbage mortgages,and therefore, encouraged them) played huge role in this mess too.

But, without items 1 and 2, 3 would have been impossible. I can tell by the above reviewers that this film made them angry. The fact that this film succeeded in making people angry, alone, lends it credence on at least SOME level. The claims made that this documentary is propaganda are common to pretty much all documentaries. All documentaries are propaganda even as they are almost never presented as such. This piece of filmmaking takes an approach that is both effective and entertaining while pushing its narrative down a track that is most interesting, indeed. I highly suggest you give it a look.

After all, if folks are outraged by it, you can be sure that it has merit. Or, you could be as closed minded as some and use words of the false LEFT/RIGHT paradigm such as 'right-wing' or 'neocon' or 'socialist' or 'left-wing'. The other option is for you to give the film a look and take from it what you believe to be truthful. That's what I did and I was very entertained. I even learned a little bit. If you're a baby boomer you will probably not like this movie. Generation Zero takes a look at modern post WWI history and attempts to define where certain cycles begin and end, thus framing the motives and desires of the population in terms of where they fit in the cycle.

Unlike many other movies in this genre it refreshingly doesn't get bogged down in conspiracy theories and new world order memes. Many of the ideas expressed in Generation Zero are not entirely new, but this is the first time I've seen them all presented together in one place. The cast is quite interesting, with a few well-known names, and does a decent job of explaining the various arguments and their subtlties. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who wants a quick, obviously abridged, history lesson. It pulls together many different factoids and personalities from as many different eras in an easy to digest way that most people would not experience otherwise. I only gave it an 8 out of 10 because it avoided disenting opinions and pretty much left out WWI entirely.

Otherwise it was one of better documentaries on this topic that I've seen. I give this film three stars because that's about how many true statements it contains. But firstly, this director uses the same psychological machinations that the latest president's political consultants used to get him elected - cognitive dissonance (tension which comes from holding two conflicting or unconnected thoughts in the mind at the same time). The images on the screen hold very little or no reinforcement of what the narrator is saying, and usually distracts from the point.

They do, however, reinforce multitudinous snide innuendos. I could only absorb what was said by not watching the screen, but only listening. Listening was made difficult because the music (also distracting and irrelevant) was way too loud. In order to hear the narratives, you have to turn up the volume and put up with ear-splitting music apparently also designed to enhance the dissonance. The 'meat' of the film is that there are cycles in society which lead to war, peace, prosperity and change. Guess which one we're in.

This doomsday presentation traces all the blame to a US generation that is easy to make fun of, with no tenable connection, for the debt and inflation explosion at the inevitable disaster. I've not read all the books by the scholars interviewed, but I'm familiar enough with the liberal organizations they associate themselves with.

Economics is the result of more than just opinions, but productivity, creativity and policy. They correctly point out the flaws in the recent (post 2008) desperate machinations of the Fed and US Treasury, but offer no solutions, evasive actions we may take, or even useful warnings. I found tongue-in-cheek humor in the images that flash continuously past the viewer. Some, like a flash of suckling piglets on a sow's abdomen or the many scenes of exploding buildings, appear so ridiculous in view of the narration that if you turned off the sound, this could be an entertaining film. Expect to be alarmed, depressed and confused by this film, not enlightened or edified.

As I write this, President-Elect Donald J. Trump has announced that the Writer/Director of this documentary is his Chief Strategist. Let that soak in for awhile and maybe watch this entire film again.

So, a day of reckoning approaches, January 20th 2017 in fact, when the Grey Champion assumes command. This film lays out in rigid order the 5 W's; who, what, when, where, and why of, How did America get into this mess. 20 TRILLION dollars in debt! Destitute citizens, abused by fiscal policies that left them behind! Cities caving in on themselves, industries hollowed out, joblessness and poverty.

This prescient film answers these charges, pointing at the guilty, and shows clearly the outlines of the problem. Who and when? The production values are superb, shot and cut to the standards we expect from high end producers.

My only complaint is the intensity level, there is a lot to absorb in 90 minutes. I watched it in chunks. As to the content, little of it has been allowed any examination from the traditional, legacy media, which is no surprise, as the election of Trump45 so devastatingly exposed them all as Democrats with a byline. This material will be eye opening to many people, who have been lied to by their trusted news sources. While it's true that more documentation is needed for some of the details presented in Generation Zero, the salient points of the movie can hardly be disputed-crisis budget cutbacks for the U.S. Military causing our national defense capability to slip, banks that are 'too big to fail' purposely deceiving investors over the quality of the home loans they once issued, etc. Of course, researchers like Michael Barone, Charles Krauthammer, and Newt Gingrich are well-respected and well able to provide documentation for any points they raise.

Generation Zero should be regarded as serious history and serious journalism in a very user-friendly and entertaining format. For all those who felt this film is just more right wing propaganda based on zero facts, I would appreciate their individual explanations calling out who, what, when, where, how and why we are now facing our 'fiscal cliff' and potential economic meltdown. It is one thing to scream 'propaganda' from a shallow emotional perspective however; without providing some intelligent facts to reasonably explain your opposite viewpoint or perspective, you just appear to parroting back a completely uninformed response of 'No, that's not it!'

Please explain what you know factually - not emotionally - are the root causes of our fiscal cliff and potential economic meltdown. In light of the book just put out by a liberal New York Times writer who draws many of the same conclusions the movie does - and traces the problems back to many of the same decisions made by those in government getting rich off crony capitalism and holes in the regulatory structure they themselves put in place, I'd say our Canadian friend who gave this a one star review might want to put on his thinking cap next time before opening his big sneering maw.

A very nice visual addendum to that book, Reckless Endangerement. The fact is, we didn't just get where we are by accident; and though many don't want to hear it, actual decisions made by actual politicians trying to control a business sector whose job it is to make profit led directly to the current economic crisis. It's easy to promise people everything they want, to tell them they deserve it, and to run on a platform of 'the other side wants to take it all away from you.' But the truth is, money has to come from somewhere, and the government can't produce wealth. It can only collect it, spend it, and redistribute it after taking its cut. The sooner people understand economics, the faster we'll be able to fix what ails us. I watched this for the first time today (Feb 2017) and it is a great movie, it gives an accurate accounting of why we are where we are here in America right now.

This is why Trump got elected, both the Democrats and Republicans aligned themselves with the wall street bankers and sold us (the middle class) out. The press was involved by not reporting the truth about what was going on with sub prime mortgages because the banks were being forced to loan money to people who were not creditworthy. According to the movie the disintegration of our culture is the root cause of our current situation, I would take the spoiling of American children in the 1950s as the direct cause with a grain of salt, but the events portrayed in the movie from the 1970s to present are accurate.

I highly recommend you take the time and watch it, too bad it is not shown in schools. Cherry picking generality while purposely omitting facts does not make for an accurate documentary. Banks 'too big to fail' and the collapse of the housing market came as a result of the deregulation of banking which started in 1978 under Reagan. TARP, while very flawed under Obama, was started by Bush. Bush also cut taxes while opting to take the US to war in Afghanistan & Iraq.

More spending with less revenue results is a bigger problem. Plenty of mistakes have been make by both sides.

The sad reality is that the primary role of an elected official is to raise funds to get re-elected. Doing what's correct is a career ending move. Instead of spending money on this drivel, give that money to charity (not a PAC). The best thing I can tell you about this flick is that watching it is a useful exercise, of a sort. It does one welcome thing, which is to exhort us to use our heads, and thereby do honor to a long line of head- using progenitors in western civ.

So: Watch the movie while keeping this in mind: The flick will from time to time try to throw in an inducement to indulge a knee-jerk emotional revulsion to some boogum or other; for example, the 'hippies'. Follow the better angels of your thoughtful, circumspect self and listen to the welter of 'serious' thinkers as the presentation attempts to marshal them toward a larger view of the current 'crisis'. What I think you'll see (not feel) is that the attempt to deliver a broad, convincing, explanatory perspective falls flat. The individuals spliced into the presentation may each have something interesting to say, but the pageant of this documentary fails to knit them into something cogent and convincing. There are so, so many ways to interpret economic reality which are much, much more compelling than this rather confused, disparate patchwork.

I watched this for one reason: Bannon (the writer/editor) is now (2017/02) on the NSC. He's the dog who caught the car. I wanted to see if perhaps this documentary would have embedded in it a hint or two as to anything Bannon may be able to claim in the way of praxis: In other words, one would wish that, once the dog catches the car, it turns out to be a magic car that breaks the spell and turns Bannon from a dog into a statesman with a clear, focused perspective; one which contextualizes economic reality in a practical way, suggesting a way forward into what he calls 'economic nationalism'.

This flick doesn't give me hope. For example, it will not surprise me if his response to the hard economic reality which promises only to continue to rob American futurity is to exercise heavy power. And that's just the old standby/more of the same: Keep us on the hamster wheel, and throw monetary tokens into the pit and torch them-just like in days gone.

He doesn't really have a truly republican vision. Anybody attacking this film is just someone with a list of talking points and an agenda to disparage it.

If you didn't like the visuals then you don't get the term metaphor and if you say he blames everybody but Wall Street (ygbfkm) you didn't watch it or you smoke much crack. The movie explains how we've come to the edge of a world wide financial tsunami. Personally for me, the tipping point was devastating one two punch that tied together; (1) the amount of leverage given to the big 5 banks during Clinton's term where they increased their leverage by 30 to 1 and (2) making the taxpayers responsible for their losses while they keep ALL the gains. Those two acts just poured gas on the removed any accountability and encouraged financial recklessness that in any other universe that would be considered a criminal malfeasance. (Yo Cupcake, that's just one example where the movie takes square aim at Wall Street as well as the Big Government elite of the time. I'll bet Bill Clinton got paid for that deal) Steve Bannon is no friend to Wall Street or Big Government and I would be so happy if this administration has a plan to finally hold some people like Hank Paulson accountable for the financial crimes perpetrated in 2008.

Based on an external historic evidence content,the film is a plain,straightforward perspective of not too often analyzed as a sequence but,nevertheless important view of historical,social,financial and political events in our time.It is a powerful expose of evolving moral and social values of western society. Set in somewhat limited, but broad sociopolitical context,it serves not only as a message of warning,but as a generational appeal as well.Presented without a commentary by any opposing,converging,or even a similar point of views, the film easily invites a flood of critical attacks. There is also perhaps some to be desired on its composition,editing choices,sound to images.etc. This movie has politicians in it. Need I say more.

Now you can do the critical thinking or you can give them credit and think they are the good guys. But they are now trying to gain your trust and get your votes by claiming to be for the people. They are set up under lies such as 'Citizens United' where David Bossie openly admits that a great way to persuade is through movies.

He is behind other movies such as Occupy Unmasked where the occupy protesters are claimed to use violence and intimidation. This movie is another 'tactic' to gain trust when in reality people knew about the financial crisis in 2008 and who is behind it.

Watch David Bossie's productions with cautious reserve. They like to tell some truth mixed with lies and an agenda that will keep lining their pockets and those they serve. This is a right wing attack ad disguised as a documentary.There are no real facts presented, just the normal right wing rants about how everyone who doesn't agree with their view point is ruining the country.Democrats = communists,all regulations are strangling the business world,social programs are bleeding us dry, etc. At least they could have tried to make this interesting but no the constant attacks on everyone but Wall Street and so self righteous that after less than a quarter of the documentary it starts to grate on your nerves.

Hippies, Godlessness, 50's mothers (women), Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN, too much regulation caused the 2008 crash! If you don't think but follow along and believe all the right wing crap this film will appeal to you, otherwise don't bother watching this. Got much more from this documentary than we expected! It did a very good job of critiquing the Economic Crisis of 2008 and assigning responsibility. And the film also did an excellent job of addressing the historical cultural developments and their contributions. We had not seen that 'full picture' before.

This film provides insight into the current national conditions that still exist. Highly recommend. It's better than some of the other so- called factual documentaries out there on what led to 2008 meltdown. The pentagon 'lost' 6.5 trillion, that's right, with a 't' dollars. Never been accounted for. Know where it went?

I saw it happen. For decades, the pentagon handed out DoD credit cards like they were a broken candy machine. The money went for furniture, entertainment, kegs of beer, pros, etc. Lots of small charges spread around tend to inflate that deficit you seem so worried about. We get the idea.

Did you just 'forget' about that government expenditure, Steve, or were you on that gravy train also? Did you use any DoD money to produce this piece of fiscal documentary? So, your new boss seems all interested in blowing trillions more on defense. Why is that, exactly? Just get out, you Marxist wannabe.

'Breitbart' = 'wide beard', and Karl Marx had the widest beard ever. Did you tell your new pal your political secret? Go polish Andrew's tombstone or get a job on Fox News or something more constructive than what you are doing, because you really haven't got a half a clue about anything remotely political or economic.