Shadow President Game Download

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Dec 26, 2014  MS-DOS: Shadow President by (1993) EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags).

Every week, rolls the dice to bring you an obscure slice of gaming history, from lost gems to weapons grade atrocities. This week, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. What would be the point of it otherwise? To make the world a better place? Not with this many nukes!At the start of the 90s, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the promise of an end to the Cold War, the United States decided to put all the power of the President into one single computer program. Nobody there having seen The Terminator, this seemed like a good idea at the time; as indeed did calling it the 'Shadow President' system, which was not sinister at all.

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Not even a little. Nope.CHIEF OF STAFF: Mr.

President, meet Shadow President. Would you like to sit through an informative but incredibly boring tutorial, or would you prefer to mash all the pretty buttons like a deranged chimp while we all hope you don't accidentally have us invade Utah again?THE PRESIDENT: The one that feels less like learning stuff.CHIEF OF STAFF: Very well. At least watch a few seconds of this video so that you understand the basics of what you can do here, and admire the single ugliest title screen in the history of art.

My god, it's an impressive bit of failure, matched only by the fact that the second version is going to be called in a way that won't even be cool for the 90s. THE PRESIDENT: So many buttons! I can't count them all!CHIEF OF STAFF: There are nine buttons, Mr. Let me introduce you to your staff. I am Chief of Staff, but you may call me Chief. These are National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Economic Advisor.PRESS SECRETARY: Excuse me!CHIEF OF STAFF: Oh yes. We also have a Girl.PRESS SECRETARY: Mr.

President, while we wait for this neanderthal to catch up with the world, I've prepared this report. Your current popularity is 50%, which roughly means that given a choice between your administration and a house brick, the average voter would already be half-way down the street after telling our pollster that sorry, they have somewhere really important to be.

I recommend you do something to establish your administration as an instrument of the American spirit early on. Thank you for your time. This being 1990, I am now forced to ask if anyone wants coffee.NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: Three sugars.

Sir, I suggest we focus our attention on Russia.THE PRESIDENT: Those are the baddies, right?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR.CIA DIRECTOR: A most concise, even insightful view of one of the most tense political situations of all time. Give me the word, and I can install a small team of specially-chosen agents in the shadow of the Kremlin, who will work in the shadows to-THE PRESIDENT: How many nukes do we have?CHIEF OF STAFF: Please tell me this is just for a trivia contest you're going to.NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: You have. You have 5000 nukes, Mr. Might I suggest though that we first attempt to resolve our differences through a slightly less apocalyptic method?THE PRESIDENT: Fine. Bring me that telephone.UNITED STATES: Hey, Russia! You suck!RUSSIA: Hah!

In Soviet Russia, Russia sucks. It is YOU who suck!UNITED STATES: Oooh, good comeback!THE PRESIDENT: And that ends the Cold War. Next challenge!PRESS SECRETARY: Um. Um, not quite, Mr.

President.NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: Yes. For some reason, our publicly slapping them in the face moved them to form a closer alliance with Iran and begin shipping weapons to our enemies.PRESS SECRETARY: On the plus side, you did get a popularity point for effort. So, y'know.CHIEF OF STAFF: This would be a good time to show you some of your other options, Mr. Your basic tools revolve around influence rather than direct action. From the map, you can see what each nation is currently focused on, and apply pressure from numerous vectors - social and economic being the most important.

You can also call on the CIA and the Military for more direct action, though at obvious risk of retribution if your actions are discovered.THE PRESIDENT: I see. What's that final button?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: That fires the nukes. Please stop tapping out the theme to Ghostbusters on your keyboard now.THE PRESIDENT: Nukes are that easy to trigger?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: If thinking so will make you stop that bloody noise, then yes.CHIEF OF STAFF: We should perhaps save the Russia situation for another day, Mr. Slightly complex matter. In the interim, I suggest we consolidate our alliances.THE PRESIDENT: Who are our closest allies at the moment?CHIEF OF STAFF: We have several, but I would recommend the British. We have a long history of working with them, we speak a common language, and they are about to have a splendid decade of TV to help spare us the endless re-runs of Are You Being Served.THE PRESIDENT: So, if I opt to strengthen diplomatic ties.THE PRESIDENT: Let me get this straight. Our friends, an open hand, and we've still only got a 50-60% chance of them not telling us to go stick our heads into their choice of pig?

What kind of friends are these limeys? Do they want Delta Force showing 'em some manners? Do they?NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: Mr. President.THE PRESIDENT: Fine. Extend that olive branch of wussiness! Extend!THE PRESIDENT: In the words of Her Majesty: Yaargh!

And what's with that 'You may want to ask for advice from us in the future' talk? You all said this was a great idea!SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, a week is a long time in politics.THE PRESIDENT: No it's not! An hour goes by every second! I bet the British Prime Minister doesn't have to put up with this nonsense over in London, England. Business must be much more entertaining than not being allowed to use nukes whenever you want by meanies.PRIME MINISTER JIM HACKER: Get Sir Humphrey in here, Bernard. At once!SIR HUMPHREY, CABINET SECRETARY: Yes, Prime Minister?HACKER: Humphrey, what's this I hear about us turning down a handshake from the Americans?SIR HUMPHREY: A handshake, Prime Minister?

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Shadow President

Developer: D.C. True
Publishers: D.C. True, Empire Interactive (EU)
Platform: DOS
Released in US: February 1993
Released in EU: 1996

This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.
This game has anti-piracy features.

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Shadow President is a game where you have several things you can do at the start (as the newly-elected president of the United States), allowing the player to simulate U.S. geopolitics in a rather 90s fashion.

Unused Text

This error message, found along with the rest of the standard error messages in ERRMSGS.TXT, appears to be an error message that as said, is not converted to the 'new serialization'.

Also, in EOGDAT.FIL, are some additional ending messages - it appears that only the first two are used.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Artist's Notes

HANDSSET.PCX and THREATEN.PCX have some really bland notes at the bottom.


Should the game detect any alteration to itself, this message appears.

Unused Sting

There is a musical sting that is apparently meant to be used when issuing a statement of condemnation, but isn't.

The Shadow President series
DOSShadow President • Cyberjudas
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