Starbase Orion Hatchery

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Starbase Orion Hatchery Rating: 5,9/10 3903 reviews

The Character Hatchery is an area where members can create characters, and adopt characters. Are you a strong writer, but have issues creating strong Characters? Need a PNPC, NPC, or Mock but don’t have the time? New to the group and looking for a primary character?

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Game news & reviews.iOS Gaming is not affiliated with any of these websites, nor do we receive any form of compensation from them.Related Subreddits.Sort / Filter iOS Gaming. If you are starting off, play the spiral layout as it lowers the chances of alien contact early in the game.Newbie steps. Assign 1 person in research on each planet. Research the Research Station II starting off, then build it. Don't bother building military outposts until later in the game.

Use the scout to find another system to dump your colony ship in (look for large population, good resources). Don't bother colonising low population planets or barren ones. If your scout meets resistance then use retreat orders. You need armour plating and laser beam I at least to fight random encounters.

Normally need at least 2-3 scouts working together. When you meet an alien race, suggest non-aggression pact first. Pay attention to Alien race types. Peaceful, trustworthy are safe. As soon as your first spy dies, start researching anti-spy tech.

Once you get shields start building stronger ships. Spacestations auto upgrade after you update them, so upgrade their weapons/items as they update.More advanced tactics.

If you have the resources and the enemy has a large fleet in your system, set your planet to auto build a space station (level 1). Auto build it each round. Your space station will get killed but it locks the fleet in that system. If the enemy has a huge fleet, use warp gates to speed drop your fleet in and take out one of his systems, then warp them to another system.Starting off don't bother with leaders. But if you do then the hatchery is a good choice, as is the colony ship/population increasing ones. Haven't played in awhile, but this is what I remember. Most of it was garnered from a few hundred hours playing Master of Orion 2 (which was released almost 18 years ago, so I haven't just been shotgunning it) that translated seamlessly.Focus your colonies.

It is inefficient to have a bunch of generalist planets when you could instead have planets that focus on producing one resource and make a beeline for the structures that enable it.Food is the least important resource. Unlike Science and Industry, there is a concrete line of 'Enough' and 'Not Enough.' I believe that there are small bonuses for producing extra, but they're pitiful when compared to building trade goods with spare industry. It's entirely viable to have 1 planet out of every 4 have 1 worker and the rest of the population farming (if you do that, don't bother with buildings that up your industrial production). Don't have any farmers at all on Rich or Ultra Rich planets unless you desperately need it; build more workers there and import food from planets with good farming biomes and lousy minerals.Science is king.

It's important to have enough production capacity to use your tech, but having 2 or 3 'Forge Worlds' on rich or ultra-rich planets that just crank out ships will let you stay competitive. In general, planets that aren't Rich or Ultra Rich and aren't good for farming (or are, but you have all the food you need), should be almost entirely scientists.Money is important, but not all-important. It can be used to shortcut production, but not research.

Rank it higher than food, but lower than industry. I wouldn't advise taking penalties to it.Custom races are the best. In general, take bonuses to Industry and Science, and avoid penalties to population growth and money (once your skill improves, the population growth penalty can be overcome by careful micromanagement, but you really need to pay attention). The best penalties are the ones that affect your homeworld-even in the early game, you'll have two or three colonies in no time, and having a smaller or mineral poor homeworld becomes less and less relevant as the game goes on (conversely, so do having a Huge or mineral rich homeworld). Brilliant Researchers is one of my favorites, as it lets your tech tree expand wider than is usually possible, but many players will be scared by the -6 cost (and it is considerably weaker than the version in MoO2).

Avoid anything that gives a bonus to combat-a high output of Science will get you more, and faster.Morale Bonuses are awesome. A morale bonus is a blanket +10% to all resource production that stacks with everything. The racial trait (Freethinking) that provides one is well worth it.As I mentioned under the Custom Races point, bonuses to science are generally better than bonuses to military. You do still need to upgrade military every once in awhile so that you stay current, but it's easier to out-upgrade your opponents than to crush them under a wave of troops. Military bonuses in this game don't stack, meaning that researching level 5 troop weapons is the same as researching Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 troop weapons.

Resource buildings, on the other hand, do stack, so having a +5/+1-per-population building and a +10/+2-per-population building adds up to a +15/+3-per-population bonus.

. – Harrad-Sar. – Navaar. – Commander Kelby. – D'Nesh.

Menina Fortunato – MarasEpisode chronology← Previous'Next →' Bound' is the seventeenth episode of the fourth season of the American television series, originally broadcast on April 15, 2005. It was written by, and directed. The episode featured the return of the Orion slave girls, which had been originally seen in the original pilot of, '.Set in the 22nd century, the series follows the adventures of the first starship, registration NX-01. In this episode, three Orion slave girls come on board the ship, and the crew, with the exception of Commander and Commander who seem to have a resistant psychic bond, begin acting strangely.The episode featured the return of and who had both previously appeared in multi-episode parts in. Four time MTV Music Video Award for Choreography winner was brought on board to oversee the extensive choreography for the three actresses playing the Orion women.

Each actress went through a four to five-hour make-up process for each day of filming, which required them to be sprayed green. 'Bound' received of 1.8/3%, and critical reaction was mixed with one reviewer listing it amongst the best episodes of Enterprise while another listed as the worst episode ever of any Star Trek series. Contents.Plot is en route to the Berengarius system, one of the proposed locations for a, when it is approached by an vessel.

Captain is invited to visit the Orion ship by its captain, Harrad-Sar. During the visit, Archer and Lieutenant are entertained by three Orion dancers, Navaar, D'Nesh, and Maras. Archer negotiates with Harrad-Sar and they agree to a joint mining operation, and at Harrad-Sar's insistence the three slaves are given to him. They return to Enterprise with the slaves and set a course to survey the planet.En route, the presence of the Orions begins having an effect on the crew: men become increasingly aggressive, while women increasingly suffer from headaches. Navaar focuses her attentions on Archer, while D'Nesh seduces Commander Kelby.

Arriving at the planet, a sluggish Archer orders Reed to destroy another ship, but he refuses and it escapes. Kelby meanwhile sabotages the before Commander can physically stop him. Afterwards, Doctor determines that the Orions are producing, causing the crew's levels to spike. Only Commander and Tucker remain unaffected, since she is and he shares her immunity because of their psychic bond.The Orions are placed under guard in the decontamination chamber.

Harrad-Sar returns in his vessel and attacks the now disabled Enterprise, and then begins to tow it away. He reveals that, in fact, the Syndicate seeks Archer's head, and in this matter he is the slave and the Orion women are his masters. The Orions escape and travel to the Bridge, as do T'Pol and Tucker. Navaar tells Archer to arrest T'Pol, but Tucker stuns all the male crew-members with his, and T'Pol disables the Orion ship with a pulse sent from Enterprise 's.

They send the Orions back to their ship, and T'Pol finally admits she would personally like Tucker to return, and he replies that he has already requested a transfer back to Enterprise.Production. Cyia Batten, Crystal Allen and Menina Fortunato portrayed the three Orion slave girls in 'Bound'The Orion slave girls had been introduced in the original pilot ', footage from which was later adapted to appear in the episode '. The make-up was designed by, which was originally tested on, before it was applied to. Cyia Batten, Crystal Allen and Menina Fortunato played the three Orion women in 'Bound'. Batten had previously appeared as, the daughter of Gul in in the episodes ' and '. She also appeared in ', an episode, as Irina.

Starbase orion hatchery jobs

William Lucking had appeared as a called Furel in three episodes of Deep Space Nine; ', ' and '. Derek Magyar returned as Commander Kelby, following his introduction earlier in the previous episode '.Allen recalled The Original Series, and said that she was pleased to be remembered as an Orion slave girl. However, she was not pleased with the make-up process which took between four and five hours to apply, and required each actress to be sprayed with green make-up over their whole body.

Removal of the makeup was via the showers in the Paramount lot's executive gym. The make-up team also needed to apply fake sweat and bruises to other members of the cast to represent the results of the increased aggression shown by them in the episode's plot., the director of 'Bound', had previously directed two episodes earlier in the season, ' and '. Fortunato praised the director and described the Orions, saying that they 'move very slowly, very seductively. I would like to compare us to snakes – we like to slither and creep around, versus a human.

So we’re a little sneaky. The three of us are trying to get something accomplished, and each one of us has our target, so to speak, to try to manipulate them to get what we want in the end.' The choreography was overseen by, who had won the for Best Choreography on four occasions and worked with, and amongst others. Both Batten and Fortunato were trained dancers, with Batten being a former member of dance troupe, while Allen had previously appeared in films such as and television series such as alongside. After being cast, Fortunato said that the actresses playing the Orion women were not shown any film footage of the previous appearances of Orion slave girls, but were allowed to see a magazine article about appearing as one in the episode ' in order to demonstrate what the make-up would look like.Filming began on January 6, 2005 and concluded on January 14. Only six days were used to shoot, with January 10 spent working on choreography for the dance scene and for shooting additional footage for '.

Filming on the earlier episode had also overlapped on the first day of filming. While the actresses playing the Orion women were required on all days, Lucking filmed all his scenes on the final day of shooting. The main cabin of the Orion ship was constructed in full specifically for this episode while the bridge was only a single wall as it was only seen on screen as a viewscreen background. Reception and home media release 'Bound' was first aired in the United States on on April 15, 2005.

RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch Guide to Making More Money / Coins Quickly (RCT Touch) By. Luciano-February 27, 2017. Can also lower the price of the ride from “good value” to “very cheap” They say a well decorated ride is key to peep satisfaction but it doesn’t really help. I’ve got 100% satisfaction on a bunch of rides just. Heavy RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know. RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch – Official iOS Launch Trailer https. Diversity is The Key to High Peep Satisfaction. With additional content to be rolled out throughout seasonal events, Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch will offer the largest selection of content ever proposed on mobile. Park Management: Create, manage and grow a successful park by maintaining peep satisfaction levels on activities, park value, revenue, and park decorations, and track everything with the intuitive Park Management panel. Anyone else having trouble maintaining a high total Peep load on their park? My park hovers around 33% (240/720) Peep capacity, and I stay around 78% average satisfaction. Not sure if thats the way it is supposed to be (seems low based on the Peep loads per ride and other buildings) or I am just doing something flat out wrong. Anyone have any thoughts or strategies for getting more a higher. Rollercoaster tycoon touch peep satisfaction. You can be the judge when it comes to the merits of those changes. What we’re here to do is provide some RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch Tips, Cheats and Strategies to help maximize your park.

It received a 1.8/3% share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49. This means that it was seen by 1.8 percent of all households, and 3 percent of all of those watching television at the time of the broadcast. This was lower than the following episode, where the first installment of the two-part ' received ratings of 2.0/3%.The critical response was mixed. James Hunt of the website listed 'Bound' as the fourth best episode of Enterprise, saying that it 'found a way to include the Orion slave girls in a way that preserved the eye candy and shifted the power in the Orion relationships.' However, Jamahl Epsicokhan on his website 'Jammer's Reviews' gave 'Bound' a score of one out of four, saying that it was 'too dumb, too obvious, too boring, and too rooted in gender stereotypes'. He said that it was sexist and 'the worst episode of Enterprise in more than two years'. Michelle Erica Green of said that it was the single worst episode of any Star Trek series, including '.

She considered it a statement in and also thought that it represented a scenario where homosexual characters do not exist.' Bound' was released on home media in the United States on November 1, 2005, as part of the season four DVD box set of Enterprise. The edition was released on April 1, 2014. Star January 24, 2005. Archived from on March 3, 2005.

Retrieved May 30, 2013. Ward, Dayton; Mack, David (March 31, 2011). Retrieved May 30, 2013.: p. 20. Leao, Gustavo (December 26, 2004).

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Leao, Gustavo (February 10, 2006). Archived from on February 22, 2006. Retrieved May 29, 2013. ^ Cullen, Ian M. (September 5, 2005). Sci Fi Pulse. Archived from on September 24, 2005.

Retrieved May 29, 2013. April 16, 2005. Archived from on April 17, 2005. Retrieved May 30, 2013.

April 23, 2005. Archived from on April 23, 2005. Retrieved May 30, 2013. Hunt, James (November 4, 1999). Retrieved May 29, 2013. ^ Epsicokhan, Jamahl. Jammer's Reviews.

Retrieved May 30, 2013. Green, Michelle Erica (April 16, 2005). Retrieved May 30, 2013. Douglass Jr., Todd (October 24, 2005). Retrieved October 11, 2014. December 18, 2013. Retrieved October 11, 2014.References.