The Curse Of Monkey Island Cheats

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Escape Artist (10) - Escaped from the monkey island cannibals hut 5 times Guybrush Kicks Butt (45) - Completed Last Part: Guybrush Kicks Butt. Guybrush stopped LeChuck from marrying Elaine Marley. Monkey Island 3 - Curse of Monkey Island. Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to.

Guybrush finds himself at sea floating on a bumper car. He ends up at Plunder Island where Elaine and LeChuck are battling. Durak online igrat.

The battle ends with LeChuck being killed, but of course that doesn't stop him. Afterwards, Guybrush proposes to Elaine with a big diamond ing he found in LeChuck treasure hold.

Elaine accepts, but as soon as she puts on the ring Guybrush learns that it is cursed and Elaine turns into a gold statue. Guybrush has to find a way to undo the curse on Elaine, but at the same time he has to battle LeChuck, who has returned from the dead and wants to marry Elaine. After the intro you'll find yourself captive in LeChuck's ship. Start talking to the small pirate and you'll realize that it's your old friend Wally. Make him see that he is no good as a pirate and he will soon drop his hook and start crying. Pick up the plastic hook from the floor and pick up the ramrod from the wall.

Use the cannon and sink the four boats full of skeletons. Afterwards, look out the window and combine the ramrod with the plastic hook to make a raff. Use the raff to pick up the debris in the water. Go back inside.Use the cutlass you just picked up to cut the cannon restraint rope.

Now fire the canon. Since there is no rope to restrain it, it backfires into Guybrush and through the door to the treasure room. The rumble causes LeChuck to drop the voodoo canon ball which kills him and turns the ship upside down.Pick up the bag from the floor and the diamante ring underneath it. Use the ring to cut a hole in the porthole.NOTE: If you're playing the Standalone CD-ROM Versions, you'll need to Insert Disc 1 to start the game.

Pick up the glowing amber from the beach. Walk all the way to the left an on to the map of Plunder Island. All the locations are named '?' Until you have visited them. Go to the location to that are located in the swamp.

Try to enter the ship and you'll be stopped Murray. Talk to him, end the conversation, and enter the ship.Pick up the pin from the voodoo doll. Use the bag of nickels from your inventory with the chewing gum machine, Guybrush automatically picks up the pack of gum.

Pull the alligator tongue and the Voodoo Lady will appear. Talk to her and tell her about the curse on Elaine. She asks where you have hidden Elaine and Guybrush runs back to the beach only to see a pirate ship sailing away with Elaine.Guybrush returns to the Voodoo Lady and she explains that to lift the curse he must replace the ring with one of equal or greater value. Talk to her about everything and you'll learn that you have to gather a crew, find a ship, and get a map to lead you to Blood Island. You also have to find Elaine before you leave. On Blood Island you must find a ring to undo the curse.Leave the Voodoo Lady, go back to the map of the island, and walk to the town. Talk to the small pirate selling lemonade and you'll learn that his name is Kenny Faulmouth.

Buy a glass of lemonade and you see what his bottomless mug policy is.Continue over the bridge and enter the theater through the small back door. Look at the pirate coat and pick up the dandruff which you then find out is lice and pick up the glove. Pick up the magic wand from the table and use it on the magic hat. Pick up the book that appears. Leave the theater and enter the Barbery Coast down by the docks.You need to get rid of Captain Rottingham so when Haggis, the barber, puts down the comb, quickly put the lice on it. After Rottingham has been thrown out talk to Haggis and tell him you want a haircut. When you are in the chair, use the handle on the side to raise the chair a bit.

Then kick the stone holding down the pages of the book. When Haggis leaves to find a new rock, raise the chair as high as possible using the handle. Then pick up the scissors from the ceiling. Haggis returns and Guybrush gets up from the chair.

Pick up the jawbreaker from the floor.Leave the barber shop and walk back over the bridge. Use the scissors on the mysterious flowers in the ally next to Kenny's lemonade stand. Guybrush will read some information about the flower. Now use the scissors with the undergrowth behind the flowers.Walk towards all the junk and Guybrush will get eaten by a snake. Pick up the Faberge egg inside the snake, the vacuum cleaner attachments, and the lots-o-stuff.

Look in your inventory and mix the ipecac flower with the pancake syrup. Feed the syrup of ipecac to the snake. Guybrush gets spat out and ends up in a pit of quicksand.Pick up the reeds and a thorn from the thorny plant. Look in your inventory and combine a helium balloon with the paperweight. It floats in front of Guybrush. Blow on the balloon.

Look in your inventory again and combine the thorn with the hollow reed. Use the pea shooter to shoot down the balloon.

Guybrush can now escape the quicksand and finds himself in Danjer Cove. Leave the cove and return to the town.The only thing you found in the snake which you still have is a reservation for Blondebeard's chicken. Enter the restaurant next to Kenny's lemonade stand and show the reservation to Blondebeard.

Pick up the club card from inside the chicken skeleton on the table. Push the quiet patron sitting at the table and pick up the serrated bread knife from his back.Give the jawbreaker to Blondebeard which breaks loose his gold tooth. Now offer him some gum by using the pack of gum on him. When he blows a bubble you can see the gold tooth is inside.

Pop the bubble using the pin from your inventory. Pick up the gold tooth from the floor. Leave the restaurant.Cross the bridge and walk to the field behind the theater. Walk to the grassy knoll and use the serrated bread knife on the sawhorse holding the keg of rum. The keg rolls down the knoll and breaks on a tree causing it to leak rum. Use the amber on stick from you inventory with the trail of rum. The tree blows up and lands in the stack of cabers.Enter the Barbery Coast again.

You now have to convince each of the barbers to join your crew. Start by talking to Cutthroat Bill. Chat with him a little and Guybrush will ask if he wants to join your crew. Talk to him a bit more and convince him you can find gold. Gtrevolution reviews. End the conversation and show him the gold tooth.

He is now a member of your crew.Talk to Haggis and ask him to join your crew. He only want to join your crew if you can beat him at caber toss. Talk to him a bit more and you'll end up tossing cabers at the Field of Competition. You easily win since the caber you have is the rubber tree you blew up.Now talk to the dapper pirate by the door and ask him to join your crew. Continue the talk with him and you'll learn that he will only join your crew if you beat him at a gentlemen's duel. End the conversation and insult him slapping him with the white glove.

You'll end up on the Field of Honor where you have to select a weapon. Close the middle box lid and choose the banjo behind it. Edward Van Helgen plays a tune on his banjo and everyone once in a while he plays a single note. Notice which notes he play and in which order because you have to follow him after he is finished. Continue doing so until he starts playing the banjo behind his head. Go over to the gun pile and pick up a pistol. Shoot Edward's banjo when he plays it in front of his chest.

He joins your crew.You now got the crew you need. In the beginning of part 3, Captain Rottingham borders the ship and steals the map to Blood Island. Immediately after, the crew breaks into a song. Keep saying lines until you can say 'We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange'. Say that line and the song will stop. Next you have to choose what kind of captain you are.

In other words, if you want the other ships to be difficult or easy to beat.Next, look at the navigational chart. You have fight the pirates on the other ships and that way learn insults and comebacks until you are good enough to fight Captain Rottingham. Select a ship on the navigational chart and shot it down with the cannons. Then fight the pirate and learn insult and comebacks. Every time you've defeated some pirates and taken their booty, you can sail back to the Plunder town harbor and buy some better cannons from Kenny to use in the ship combats.

Keep doing this until you feel you have learned enough to beat Captain Rottingham. Then go after him and defeat him. Pick up the bottle from the sand and try to pick up the slippery greasy hand lotion next to Haggis, but he wont let you. Leave the beach and go to the map of Blood Island. Go to the location in the middle with the hotel.Enter the hotel and pick up the cushion from the barstool to the left. Start talking to the bartender and you'll find out that he has terrible headache. He asks you to find something to cure the headache.

Pick up the recipe book from the counter and look through it. You'll se that to make a hangover cure you need an egg, pepper, and hair from the dog that bit 'ya.Leave the hotel and walk back onto the map.Go to the windmill on the left side of the island. Pick up some of the pepper next to the windmill and leave.Go to the cemetery which is located below and to the left of the hotel. Walk past the first few tombs and pick up the mallet and chisel next to the tombstone in progress.

Pick up the doggy treats from the dog bowl and feed them to the old dog. Take some smelly dog hairs from the him after he has bitten you and leave the cemetery.Go to the beach without the shipwreck. Lay the cushion on the rocks below the rubber tree.

Hit the rubber tree with the mallet and Guybrush automatically picks up the egg and the cushion. Leave the beach and return to the hotel.Enter the hotel and give the egg, the pepper, and the smelly dog hair to the bartender. He makes a batch of the hangover cure, takes a sip, and gives the rest to you. Order a drink from him and Guybrush will ask for an umbrella.

Drink the drink. Open the door in the back and enter. Pick up the refrigerator magnet and leave the hotel.Go to the strange lights near the volcano and pick up the measuring cup from the small table. Leave and return to the beach.

Fill the measuring cup with seawater. Look in your inventory and use the pin with the magnet to make it magnetic and then stick it in the cork. Now put the cork in the measuring cup and you have a compass.Return to the hotel and order a drink from the bartender. Look in your inventory and use the chisel on the Head-B-Clear (The hangover cure) to open the bottle. Pour some Head-B-Clear in the drink and drink the spiked drink.

Guybrush will faint and is assumed dead. Use the chisel on the coffin lid to escape and then use the chisel on the coffin in the middle of the crypt to free your old friend Stan. After talking to him, pick up the coffin nails from the coffin Guybrush was in. Leave the crypt and return to the hotel. Walk up the stairs and enter the left door. Use the mallet on the nail in the wall.

Leave the room and pick up the nail from the floor.Enter the right door. Pull down the bed and use the coffin nails and the nail you just picked up on the bed to nail it down. Pick up the book that's lying on top of the skeleton.Go down and talk to the bartender about everything. You'll learn the story of him, his family, and his aunt Minnie Goodsoup. She was engaged to a pirate, but on their wedding day he stole the wedding ring. This is the ring you have to find, but since Minnie Goodsoup was buried wearing the ring band you have to get inside the Goodsoup family crypt.

You can only do this by proving that you are a Goodsoup and then die again.Tell the bartender that you is a member of the Goodsoup family and select a name. Tell him that you could talk about Goodsoup family history all day and Griswold will be convinced that you are a Goodsoup.Go to the cemetery and enter Mutual of Stan. Tell Stan you want some insurance and give him the gold tooth as collateral.

Return to the hotel and order another drink. Pour Head-B-Clear it in and drink it. Once again Guybrush will be assumed dead, but this time he is buried in the Goodsoup family crypt.Once out of the coffin, walk to the left where you will find the ghost of Minnie Goodsoup. Talk to her about everything and learn her history. End the conversation and continue to the left. Pick up the crowbar and walk around the coffin. Murray will drop down and try to scare you.

Pick up Murray and look through the crack in the wall. Look in your inventory and use the skeleton arm to pick up the lantern on the table. Place the lantern on the coffin lid and use Murray with the lantern. This will scare Mort and he will open the crypt.Return to the hotel and enter back room. Pick up the death certificate and go back to Stan. Show him the death certificate and he gives you the insurance money.Go back to the hotel and pick up the empty jar from the counter. Talk to Madam Xima and bug her until she tells you your fortune.

She gets the card of death and lays it on the table. Pick up the tarot card and get her to tell you your fortune again. Do this until you have five cards. Leave the hotel.Return to the windmill and open the door to the mill and Guybrush will automatically walk to the top. Fill the empty jar with sugar water from the barrel. Walk down through the windmill and leave.Go to the small location to the left of the shipwreck. There you will find Elaine.

Place the jar of water on the stump to catch the fireflies. Look in your inventory and use the chisel to poke holes in the jar lid. Put the jar lid on the jar with the fireflies and Guybrush automatically picks it up.Walk to the lighthouse and place the lantern from your inventory on the lantern post and the lighthouse will work again. You can talk to LeChuck as much as you want and get explanations for lots of things.

When you've had enough end the conversation by saying 'I've heard enough of your evil stories! Let's get this over with!'

And then choose a sentence to ignore LeChuck with.Open the door to the ride car and you'll find out that Guybrush has been turned into a child. Talk to Dinghy Dog and ask how you can win one of the prizes. Then ask him to guess your age which he can't and you win. Choose the anchor as your prize and pick it up.Put the anchor in the pile of meringue pies next to the Wharf Rat.Open the gate and look through the hole. The Wharf Rat will shoot a pie at you and you'll get some meringue pie.Push Dinghy Dog and keep pushing him until he bites you and you'll get some Dingy Dog hair.Walk over to the soda jerk and pick up the pepper mill.

Talk to the soda jerk and order a snow cone. Look in your inventory and use the meringue pie, the pepper mill, and the Dinghy Dog hair on the snow cone. Eat the disgusting snow cone and Guybrush will get back to normal.

Jump out of the car at the Monkey Island scenario and pick up the fallen rope. Jump into the next car and continue to the next scenario.Jump out at the pirate scenario and pick up a keg o' rum and jump into the next car.Jump out at the Guybrush and Wally scenario and pick up the flask o' oil from the open lantern. Take the next car.Jump out at the snow scenario and walk up the Giant Snow Monkey. Place the keg o' rum under the Giant Snow Monkey's arm. Look in your inventory and use the flask o' oil on the fallen rope. Attach the fallen rope to the keg o' rum and walk back down to the tracks.

Wait for LeChuck to arrive. When he arrives and is ready to flame you, quickly look in your inventory and use the pepper mill him.Congratulations, you have now completed The Curse of Monkey Island.

Sit back and watch the ending cutscene. =Weapons=Weak Cannons: Standard Pirate Ship CannonsBuccaneer's Buddy: Level 1 Pirate Ship CannonsOuch-Master: Level 2 Pirate Ship CannonsHolemaker Deluxe: Level 3 Pirate Ship CannonsPaingiver 2000: Level 4 Pirate Ship CannonsMr.

Pepper: One third of the Hangover Remedy.Pepper Mill: One-third of the head-clearing ingredients needed to break LeChuck's head-fogging spell. Used on LeChuck in the Big Whoop roller coaster to make him sneeze.Recipe Book/'Pirate Potables': Find recipe for hangover cure inside. The hangover cure is best-known as the 'Prairie Oyster.' Explosive Keg O'Rum: Place under the arm of the Dynamo-Monkelectric Giant Snow Monkey.Ember On Stick: Use to ignite trail of rum.Egg: One third of the Hangover Remedy.Doggy Treats: Give to Old Blind Pew. He'll Bite You. Instant Win At Any Time = Hold Shift+WUnlimited Cannonballs in 1st Section = Type LAPOSTALWin Ship Combat Easily = Press Shift+V then YWalk out of quicksandOn hard mode, use the paste with the skeleton arm and then click in the top left hand corner. Guybrush will just walk out of the quicksand.

You still need to exit the area by doing the regular vine puzzle thoughA revisit to Monkey Island 1.On Blood Island Beach, use the 'Use' command about 25-30 times. Guybrush will walk down in the water and he will see himself from Monkey Island 1 when he drowned in the water.Holiday Greetings!If you start a new game on January 1st you will have a New Year's greeting.If you start a new game on December 25th you will have a Christmas greeting.Revis Monkey Island 1 part 2!When you are finally locked inside the families crypt with the ghost, you can revist Melee Island from Secret of Monkey Island.

Look around on the back wall for some vines. Use the vines, and Guybrush will climb the vines, and stick his head out in the forest of Melee Island! If you played Secret of Monkey Island, you will recognize the forest. Guybrush also says that something is coming, so watch out!Lightsaber sounds during Rottingham DuelDuring the ship-to-ship combat sequence press Shift-J. Now during the swordfight with Rottingham Star Wars lightsaber sounds will replace the regular sword fighting sounds. Lyrics:Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates!Edward: A sailin´ out to sea.Bill: When you hear our gentle singing.Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee!Guybrush: Oh, this is just ridiculous.Guybrush: Come on, men!