Space Quest 5

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Trivia Space Quest 5 is the second Sierra adventure game to feature product placement by the US-American telephone company Sprint. The first game was Leisure Suit Larry 5.Instead of text messages like in Larry 5, this time Sprint paid for graphic advertisement. Here you can play game Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation online. Roger Wilco, a kind young man, in the previous parts more than once bravely saved the.

Space Quest 5 - the Next Mutation is included in these packages:

Tired and disappointing entry in a classic series

Sierra's hopeless hero, Roger Wilco, returns once more in this fifth instalment in the classic sci-fi comedy adventure series that plays out like a less serious version of the company's own Police Quest franchise. This one retains much of the expected features of the series, featuring lots of spoofs on much-loved sci-fi movies and shows alongside the usual puzzling thrills. This time around, the focus is very much on Star Trek, with Wilco now back in Starfleet Academy and who, after cheating on his exams, manages to be captain of his own ship with a mission to venture forth into the unknown depths of space. He soon gets involved in a complex plot involving illegal and hazardous dumping, the disappearance of a fellow captain and the return of an old foe, all of which are played out in small, episodic missions which together form an overall narrative. In many ways, this is very much a standard Space Quest adventure, with the usual witty script and endless references to other material and although the main point of inspiration is clearly Star Trek, there are plenty of references to the likes of Alien, Predator and Star Wars and which will no doubt entertain sci-fi fans to no end. The dialogue does feel a little tired though and lacks the usual sparkle which is disappointing. The graphics however are full of personality and detail with a great cartoon-like feel that suits the mood perfectly but the puzzles and lack of longevity do bring things down a bit. Overall, this is a decent enough adventure but is probably one for series fans only, so if you are new, head back to the original or check out something like Monkey Island or Discworld if you just want a game in this genre.

Retro futuristic adventure with a space opera story

Things could have gone wrong with this one. The team that developed the older Space Quest adventures was no longer the one working on Space Quest 5 - the Next Mutation, and so, it was in the cards that this 5th game would end up a mess. But, thankfully, it did not. The staple elements of the series are still there, some of them even more pronounced and brought in with more force and more gist. Graphically, the game is reminiscent of the Sierra games in the series, but it manages to add in some elements that are original to this project. So, you will play as Roger once again, a happy go lucky cadet in the making. Many of the puzzles have to do with the character being a nincompoop, incompetent but with a good heart. Thus, the solutions he will at times find for certain puzzles will put a smile in your face. Yes, it is a space opera, but it is not the dead serious academic and space fearing type, it is more of a happy go lucky kind of story. So, if you played any of the older games in the series and you liked them, this one will not disappoint either. If you are interested in a cool, humorous at times space story, Space Quest 5 - the Next Mutation will also have something for you either, whether you played the older games in the series, or whether this one is your first.

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Most of them were actually half-completed before the game's development even started, but now with the context of Trimmer Tycoon, I was able to finish them. These are songs that you might normally hear on the radio (in the universe of Trimmer Tycoon, at least). Is steam free. Here is this song that defined the original feeling of Trimmer Tycoon, made by the pixel world's celebrity 'DJ Chill':In addition to the hip-hop-ish music, you can also hear some electronic tunes.

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Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation walkthrough - solutionAn FAQ/Walkthrough forSpace Quest VGuide InformationAuthor: Tom HayesE-mail: tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)comSystem: PCUpdated: 18th April, 2004Version: 2.0Contents1. Copyright InformationVersion History2.0 - 18th April, 2004: Updated the format.1.0 - 28th August, 2002: First version.1.

IntroductionSpace Quest V starts with Wilco taking a test at the Star Confederacy SpaceAcademy to become a captain of a ship. After the test, Wilco explores theacademy, and then returns to find that he's passed the test with a maximumscore. Due to the high marks, StarCon awards him with his very own ship: TheEureka.

The main part of the game is based on the ship, with Wilco travellingbetween planets and completing various challenges. A meeting with an androidknown as WD40, a transformation into a fly, and an encounter with the dangerousPukoids are only some of the adventures Wilco has to face.The graphics have had a noticeable upgrade from Space Quest IV. Colours are nowmore clear and the surroundings look a lot more detailed. Although there is nospeech (as there was in the CD version of Space Quest IV), what sound there isis very good.

The level of difficulty has been decreased from Space Quest IV,where some sections got to the point of being almost annoying (the Skate-O-Ramasection springs to mind). With Space Quest V, the game plays very well, andpuzzles seem to be set at just the right difficulty: Not too easy but difficultenough so that it's hard to figure out straight away. Overall, Space Quest V isone of the best games in the series.2. WalkthroughSTAR CONFEDERACY SPACE ACADEMYAt the start of the game, walk north.

Enter the classroom. Click outside of thetest screen to get a view of the classroom. Watch the Proctormatic 9000scanning the class in the background.

When it turns away, look at the screen ofthe alien on the left. Look at the answer, and then look at Wilco's screen.Click the correct answer. Repeat this process for all ten answers to get fullmarks on the test.After leaving the classroom, walk south. Open the bottom door to the janitorialcloset and various items will fall out.

Click to stand up. Get the scrubomatic.Get the safety cones. Go along the hallway leading off to the eastat the top of the screen. Walk onto the lift to arrive near a huge crest.Use the safety cones on the crest.

Use the scrubomatic on the crest. Use thescrubomatic to enlarge it. Click to ride the scrubomatic all over the crest.When the crest has been completely cleaned, there will be a small cutscene.After the cutscene, walk off the left side of the crest to ride the lift up tothe second floor. After another cutscene, walk south. Look at the panel nearthe crowd. Right click the letter with the hand icon.STARSHIP EUREKAUse the chair. Select 'Hail StarCon'.

Order Droole. Select 'Lay in acourse'. Enter '92767' on the keypad to set the coordinates for Peeyu and click'Ent'. Order Droole and select 'Lite speed'. After arriving at Peeyu, orderDroole and select 'Regular speed'. Order Droole and select 'Activate RRS'.After retrieving the garbage from Peeyu, order Droole and select 'Lay in acourse'. Enter '71552' on the keypad to set the coordinates for Gangularis, andclick 'Ent'.

Order Droole and select 'Lite speed'. After arriving atGangularis, order Droole and select 'Regular speed'.

Order Droole and select'Activate RRS'. Flo will inform you that a life form has been retrieved alongwith the garbage. Exit the chair. Walk through the doors to the engineeringsection of the Eureka.Use the tool box at the bottom of the screen. Get the alien laser cuttingtorch. Get the spare fuse.

Get the hole punch. Get the anti-acid tablets.Select 'Exit'.

Press the blue button near the trash compartment door to releaseSpike. Enter and re-enter the science lab door at the bottom-left of theengineering section until Spike appears.

Wilco will automatically pick upSpike. Open the specimen container at the right side of the room. Use Spikewith the specimen container. Use the anti-acid tablets with the specimencontainer. Exit the lab.Go through the doors at the top of the engineering section to return to thebridge. Use the chair. Order Droole.

Select 'Lay in a course'. Enter '20011'on the keypad to set the coordinates for Kiz Urazgubi, and click 'Ent'. OrderDroole and select 'Lite speed'. After the cutscene, exit the chair and walkthrough the doors to the engineering section.

Enter the science lab at thebottom-left corner of the engineering section. Stand on the transporter unitand click the order icon on it to transport to Kiz Urazgubi.KIZ URAZGUBIAfter arriving on Kiz Urazgubi, walk west and go through the cave. Walk east toarrive in an area with a tree and a log. Walk onto the tree to grab onto abranch, which breaks, causing Wilco to drop down into the pool. Wait for thebranch to get near, then get the branch. Walk west and go through the cave, andthen walk east to return to the area with the tree and the log.

Enter the logand crawl through to the other side.After exiting the log, use the branch on the banana bunch near the cave exit onthe right, which will start the banana bunch swinging. Get a banana from thebunch. Crawl back through the log and go west on the other side.

Enter the farleft cave, then go through the next cave on the left to arrive on a high ledge.Click on the other side of the gap to jump to the other side. Walk up to thehigh boulder above the cave exit. Use the branch on the boulder to hit theandroid (WD40) out of the cave.Walk down to the ledge outside the cave entrance and jump over the gap on theleft.

Walk through the cave, and then go down the next cave on the right toreturn to the pool. WD40 will appear.

Walk west and go through the cave. Walkeast to return to the area with the tree and the log. Enter the log, and WD40will appear on the log above.

Use the banana on WD40 to defeat her.Exit the left side of the log and get the head. Walk west and go down the firstcave to return to the pool. Cliffy will transport you up to the Eureka. Exit tothe engineering room. Go to the science lab. Cliffy gives you a device.

Standon the transporter unit and use the order icon on it to return to Kiz Urazgubi.After arriving on the plateau, use the device on Wilco to reveal the lift toWD40's ship. Walk on the lift to enter the ship. Inside the ship, use the panelon the right to get a view of the locking mechanism. Follow this method to openthe panel:- Open the top latch- Open the bottom latch- Click on all four handles- Open the top-left latch- Open the bottom-right latch- Click on the remaining two handles- Open the top-right latch- Open the bottom-left latchWith the panel open, get the cloaking device, and then quickly walk onto thelift to exit the ship.STARSHIP EUREKAExit the science lab. Walk north through the doors to enter the bridge. Use thechair. Order Droole.

Select 'Lay in a course'. Enter '69869' on the keypad toset the coordinates for the Spacebar, and click 'Ent'. Order Droole and select'Lite speed'. After arriving at the Spacebar, talk to Droole and select'Regular speed'. Order Droole and select 'Standard orbit'. Exit the bridge.Enter the science lab. Get Spike out of the specimen container.

Stand on thetransporter unit and click the order icon on it to transport to the Spacebar.SPACEBARAfter arriving in the Spacebar, walk left and sit at the table with Flo andDroole. After a cutscene, Quirk will challenge you to a game of Battle Cruiser.Select 'Directions' for help on the game, or select 'Play' to start playingstraight away. Try and destroy all four of Quirk's ships without having any ofyour own destroyed to get maximum points.

After the game, there will be acutscene where Cliffy gets taken away.After the cutscene, sit at the table with Flo and Droole. Use the space monkeyswith Wilco's drink. Leave the table and walk east to the cells. Use the controlpanel to remove the force field. Look in the second cell on the left to findCliffy. Use Spike on the cell bars to release Cliffy, and Wilco willautomatically escape the Spacebar before the space monkeys destroy it.STARSHIP EUREKAOrder Droole. Select 'Lay in a course'.

Enter '90210' on the keypad to set thecoordinates for the Clorox II, and click 'Ent'. Order Droole and select 'Litespeed'. After arriving at Clorox II, Order Droole and select 'Regular speed'.Order Droole and select 'Standard orbit'. Order Flo and select 'Hail ship'.Exit the chair.

Walk through the doors to the engineering section of theEureka. Enter the science lab at the bottom-left corner of the engineeringsection to find that WD40 has been rebuilt. Stand on the transporter unit andclick the order icon on it to transport to Clorox II.CLOROX IIAfter arriving on Clorox II, walk down the slope and enter the large building.Use the computer console, and a creature will attack you. Click left or rightto dodge the five loogies spat by the creature.

After the fifth Loogie, Droolewill rescue you. Get the piece of paper. Use the computer console and enter'80869' on the keypad. Exit the building. Walk up the slope to thetransportation point. Walk west to find a can of primordial soup.

Go west tothe transportation point and use the Personal Communication Device on Wilco tobeam to the science lab of the Eureka.STARSHIP EUREKAExit the science lab. Walk north through the doors to enter the bridge. Use thechair. Order Droole. Select 'Lay in a course'. Enter '53284' on the keypad toset the coordinates for Thrakus, and click 'Ent'.

Order Droole and select 'Litespeed'. After arriving at Thrakus, talk to Droole and select 'Regular speed'.Order Droole and select 'Standard orbit'. Exit the bridge. Press the red buttonon the wall. Walk on the lift to enter the pod bay.Open the panel at the top-right corner of the room to get an oxygen tank. Openthe panel at the left side of the pressure suits to get a rebreather mask.

Usethe panel on the pedestal near the lift and select 'elevator door'. Enter theelevator to return to the engineering section. Enter the science lab at thebottom-left corner of the engineeing section. Stand on the transporter unit.Use the rebreather mask on Wilco. Click the order icon on the transporter unitto transport to Thrakus.THRAKUSWalk west.

Walk through the entrance in the tree on the right. Look in theescape pod.

Get the coat. Press the red button. Exit the escape pod.

Walk west,and Beatrice will attack, rolling Wilco off the edge of the cliff. Use the coaton Beatrice. Use the Personal Communication Device on Wilco. Beatrice will soonthrow a vine over the cliff. Climb the vine.

Just as the Pukoids appear, Cliffywill transport you up to the Eureka.STARSHIP EUREKAPress the red button next to the specimen tank to reveal the cryo chamber. Usethe cryo chamber to open it. Get Beatrice and put her in the cryo chamber. Lookat the cyro chamber. Look at the panel on the cyro chamber.

Enter 10 on thekeypad and select 'Start'. Exit the science lab. Walk north through the doorsto enter the bridge.

Use the chair. Wait for the Goliath to attack.

Select 'Evasive action'. Let's risk almost certain death inthe asteroid field!' After the cutscene, exit the chair. Exit the bridge. Press the red button onthe wall.

Walk on the lift to enter the pod bay. Use the panel on the pedestalnear the lift and select 'pod rotation'. Inside the pod, movetoward the red dot on the radar to find Cliffy.

Use the lever at the right sideof the pod to extend the claw. Move the claw over Cliffy until a messageappears on screen that the target is in range. Select Move the mouse near thelever and select 'Claw'. Use the lever at the right side of the pod to rescueCliffy.

Move toward the green dot on the radar to return to the Eureka.After returning to the Eureka, use the panel on the pedestal near the lift andselect 'elevator door'. Enter the elevator to return to the engineeringsection. Walk north through the doors to enter the bridge. Use the chair. Select 'Lay in a course'.

Enter '41666' on the keypad to set thecoordinates for the Genetix Research Station, and click 'Ent'. Order Droole andselect 'Lite speed'. After arriving at Genetix Research Station, talk to Drooleand select 'Regular speed'. Order Droole and select 'Standard orbit'. Exit thebridge.

Enter the science lab. Stand on the transporter unit and click theorder icon on it to transport to the Genetix Research Station.GENETIX RESEARCH STATIONAfter arriving at the Genetix Research Station, Wilco will have been turnedinto a fly due to a transporter accident. Fly over the pond and a frog willjump out, which will land on the Personal Communication Device. Fly onto thePCD, and talk to Flo. Fly off the PCD and go west. Fly through the card keyslot on the rocks on the left.

Fly west into the room behind the beams.Fly onto the computer. Walk over to the Restart button. Select 'Projects'.Select the 'Next' button thirteen times to read about project X. Select 'Mainmenu'. Select 'Accounting'. Select 'Main menu'.

Select 'Systems'. Select '3'.Select 'Security'. Select 'Camera 3'. Fly away from the computer. Fly out ofthe room. Fly east past the beams.

Fly onto Cliffy. Fly east to the area withthe dumpster. Fly onto Wilco's body to return to normal.

Walk west twice. Talkto Cliffy and select 'Beam us aboard the Eureka, Cliffy.' STARSHIP EUREKAAfter returning to the Eureka, Cliffy will talk to you about Spike.

Select thebottom speech option. Look at the cryo chamber. Look at the panel on the cryochamber. Enter 10 on the keypad. Select 'Defrost'.

Select 'Start'. Use the cryochamber.

Get Beatrice, and click on the transporter unit. Stand on thetransporter unit and click the order icon on it to return to the GenetixResearch Station.GENETIX RESEARCH STATIONAfter returning to the Genetix Research Station, open the inventory and use thehole punch on the business card.

Space quest 5

Create an 'X' on the card using five holes,and then select 'Exit'. Use the card on the card key slot to reveal anentrance. Go through the entrance to arrive in the lab.

Go down the steps anduse the black button. Get the liquid nitrogen canisters. Exit the lab. WhenCliffy talks to you, select 'Beam back to the Eureka.' STARSHIP EUREKAExit the science lab. Walk north through the doors to enter the bridge.

Use thechair. Order Droole. Select 'Lay in a course'. Enter '81100' on the keypad toset the coordinates for the Commodore LXIV, and click 'Ent'.

Order Droole andselect 'Lite speed'.After arriving at Commodore LXIV, talk to Droole and select 'Regular speed'.WD40 will appear on the monitor, saying that the Goliath is near. Press thegreen button to talk to Cliffy.

Select 'Cloak ship'. When Cliffy asks you ifthere's anything else, select 'Forget it'. Exit the chair. Exit the bridge.Enter the science lab. Cliffy will show you some scans of the Goliath. Exit thescans.

Exit the lab. Press the red button on the wall.

Walk on the lift toenter the pod bay. Enter the pod.GOLIATHInside the pod, click on the panel at the back of the Goliath. Press the panelon the right to open the door.

Use the laser cutting torch to cut a hole in thedoor. Inside the Goliath, a guard will walk along on the walkway above.

Waitfor the guard to exit the room, and then quickly walk up to the panel. Use thewarp distributor cap in the receptacle. Click outside of the panel. Wait forthe guard to exit the room, and then go through the door at the end of thewalkway.

Use the grating in the floor to enter the maze, and follow thesedirections to the exit:North. Go up the ladder and enter level 7. Go upthe ladder and enter level 6. North.Go up the ladder and enter level 5. Go up the ladder and enter level4. Go up theladder and enter level 2. South.Use the switch.

After a cutscene, the Pukoids will arrive in a room with thetransporter. When all Pukoids are standing on the transporter, order Cliffy andhe'll transform them back to normal.

After another cutscene, Flo will talk toyou. Select 'Call Cliffy and have him beam me over to the Eureka!' STARSHIP EUREKAAfter returning to the Eureka, exit the science lab. Walk north through thedoors to enter the bridge. Use the chair. Wait for the Goliath to attack.

OrderDroole and select 'Fire'. Order Droole and select 'Activate RRS'.

Order Flo andselect 'Abandon Ship'. Use the chair.

Use the red button. Use the left buttonon the egg timer. Exit the bridge.Enter the science lab. Use the cryo chamber. Stand on the transporter unit andclick the order icon on it to find that it's not working.

Exit the science lab.Enter the service tunnel. Get the top-middle circuit fuse. Replace it with theold high voltage fuse. Exit the service tunnel. Enter the lab. Get Spike out ofthe specimen container.

Stand on the transporter unit and click the order iconon it to complete the game.3. Item ListAndroid HeadFound on Kiz Urazgubi after WD40 has been defeated.Anti-acid TabletsFound in the tool box on the Eureka. They are used with the specimencontainer in the lab on the Eureka.BananaFound on the banana bunch on Kiz Urazgubi. It is used from the log on KizUrazgubi to defeat WD40.BranchFound on Kiz Urazgubi after Wilco has grabbed onto the tree. It is used onthe banana bunch to get the banana.Can of Primordial SoupFound up the slope from the transportation point on Clorox II.Cloaking DeviceCliffy will give Wilco the cloaking device on the Eureka after WD40 has beendefeated. It is used to reveal the lift to WD40's ship on Kiz Urazgubi.CoatFound in the escape pod on Thrakus.

It is used on Beatrice on Thrakus.Hole PunchFound in the tool box on the Eureka. It is used to create an 'X' on thebusiness card at the Genetix Research Station.Laser Cutting TorchFound in the tool box on the Eureka. It is used to cut a hole in the door ofthe Goliath.Liquid Nitrogen CanistersFound in the lab of the Genetix Research Station. They are not used.Oxygen TankFound in the pod bay of the Eureka. It is used while on Thrakus.Piece of PaperFound in the building on Clorox II after the creature has been defeated.Rebreather MaskFound in the pod bay of the Eureka.

It is used while on Thrakus.Safety ConesFound in the janitorial closet at the Star Confederacy Space Academy. Theyare used on the crest.ScrubomaticFound in the janitorial closet at the Star Confederacy Space Academy. It isused to polish the crest.Space MonkeysFound in the Spacebar.

They are used on Wilco's drink in the Spacebar.Spare FuseFound in the tool box on the Eureka. It is used to replace the old circuitfuse in the service tunnel on the Eureka.SpikeFound in the engineering section on the Eureka after the garbage has beenpicked up from Gangularis. He is used on the cell bars to release Cliffy atthe Spacebar.Warp Distributor CapBeatrice will give Wilco the warp distributor cap on the Eureka.

It is usedon the panel in the Goliath.4.